Thanx again, it is "Saphire Ati Radeon" & I would love to suceed with it, despite that am in the process of returning it.
Well at Overclockers one said need 3 - 4 @ £25 each & the other 1 @ £25
"....- DVI to "whatever Inputport your first monitor has
- DVI to "whatever Inputport your second monitor has
- HDMI to "whatever Inputport your third monitor has...."
Could you please show me the ends of each of those cables you mention so that I find them exactly so in the shops & if they fit here. Maplin's cables are £20 each.
Does it matter if they Single or Dual?.
I cannot cope with the fast terminology of them people rattled on the phone & in the shops.
I suspect one DVI cable must have those pins on one end but not on it's other end to the monitor.
The second must have those pins on both ends,
The third one HDMI the card end & VDI with no pins for the monitor end.
The only cables I have here are VGAs both ends.
So I need at least 3 cables £60 to £75 total.
Please refer to my crued diagram, in one of my previous posts above, & see what sockets (DVIs with no pins either side of the Flat pin) my monitors (Dell E198WFP) have.
Now MORE troubles,
Cannot uninstall the ATi software.
Got rid of the drivers but the rest just hung there all day.
EDIT:- Regarding the DX 10 - 11 your Links mention, I did not use it, do I need it & how to go about it. I think I have DX9??
I did installed the card & tried to run FSX but would not accept it.