Widescreen Gaming Forum

[-noun] Web community dedicated to ensuring PC games run properly on your tablet, netbook, personal computer, HDTV and multi-monitor gaming rig.
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PostPosted: 18 May 2011, 04:11 
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Joined: 21 Mar 2006, 05:01
Posts: 1993
Multi-monitor resolutions not listed in Options. Have to edit "ScreenResolutionX" and "ScreenResolutionY" values in UsersUsernameAppdataRoamingLionhead StudiosFable 3VideoOptions.xml.

Inital gameplay is Multi-mon friendly, as is first character selection screen and the one realtime-rendered cut-scene. Pre-rendered intros and Main Menu is stretched. Unsure about in-game menus and HUD. Just fired this up quickly before dinny-dinns.



Not too bad of a performance hit. All in-game options at max. Games' root folder has a "VideoOptionsConfig.xml" with info on advanced config settings contained in forementioned .xml.

I was going to put this in Confirmed Multi-Monitor Solutions, but I figured I'd see how the rest of the game elements worked, first.


PostPosted: 24 May 2011, 13:26 
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Joined: 21 May 2011, 14:18
Posts: 1232

Interesting but.... Fable has native Eyefinity/3D Vision Support so no need to manually edit files (as there is a tool included in any copy of Fable 3 that does it for you).

For more information see this post:

WideScreen Fixer... Fixes your Surround problems to give a gorgeous 3D Surround Experience!
WideScreen Fixer

Only website to show TRUE 3D Vision Surround Gaming Videos(viewable by anyone) only at
3D Vision Surround Gallery

E-mail and Paypal (for people who wants it): tavyhome@gmail.com

PostPosted: 24 May 2011, 20:07 
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Joined: 21 Mar 2006, 05:01
Posts: 1993
No multi-monitor resolution was listed in the options for me, no matter which aspect ratio i selected. A manual edit was the only was i could get one. That post mentions nothing triple-wide - only using Nvidia 3D.

Trust me, it's now the first thing i look for in a newly installed game.

PostPosted: 25 May 2011, 00:07 
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Joined: 21 May 2011, 14:18
Posts: 1232
No no no..you didn't right the post correctly...

You cannot activate the Surround mode from in-game. Instead navigate to the installation folder. In there you will find the "PCVideoOptionsApplet" folder. Use the "PCVideoOptionsApplet.exe" file and select the desired resolution. That is it! The game now launches in Surround.

As stated above...the in-game menu does not know about higher resolutions than 1 monitor. However the game comes packed with PCVideoOptionsApplet.exe utility that lets you select any resolution available (driver side) including those for Surround/Eyefinity.
Give it a shot..you will see no need to manually edit anything is needed...

WideScreen Fixer... Fixes your Surround problems to give a gorgeous 3D Surround Experience!
WideScreen Fixer

Only website to show TRUE 3D Vision Surround Gaming Videos(viewable by anyone) only at
3D Vision Surround Gallery

E-mail and Paypal (for people who wants it): tavyhome@gmail.com

PostPosted: 25 May 2011, 02:27 
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Joined: 21 Mar 2006, 05:01
Posts: 1993
I started looking for config files as soon as the in-game menu didn't help. And I alway prefer to fuck with config files anyway.

Makes me winder why they didn't let the game list them in the first place.. but a wonky solution is better than none.

All i see in that link is a single post relating to 3D. No mention of an .exe, or surround...

But no matter, the info is now here.

PostPosted: 30 May 2011, 23:58 

Joined: 21 Mar 2011, 03:44
Posts: 14
I started looking for config files as soon as the in-game menu didn't help. And I alway prefer to fuck with config files anyway.

Makes me winder why they didn't let the game list them in the first place.. but a wonky solution is better than none.

All i see in that link is a single post relating to 3D. No mention of an .exe, or surround...

But no matter, the info is now here.

Do me a favor and go to the following location... STEAM version example given.

X: Program Files (x86) Steam steamapps common Fable 3 PCVideoOptionsApplet PCVideoOptionsApplet.exe . Double-click the program to launch it, click the drop down menu for Screen Resolution, and you should have all your native supported resolutions including eyefinity/surround there. I think thats what the previous posters were trying to tell you, that it's supported native via an included app.

PostPosted: 31 May 2011, 00:46 
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Joined: 21 Mar 2006, 05:01
Posts: 1993
Oh, I never doubted it was there (which it is) after reading helifaxs' excerpt. There was just no post about it in the link. After messing with the config, then changing options in-game, the resolution was forced back to single screen. Unfortunately, this also happens is i use the applet.

Hopefully after a patch, we'll be able to do everything in-game. WHY they would force multi-mon resolution to be set outside of the game is beyond me. The README mentions it in the troubleshooting section. Oy.

PostPosted: 31 May 2011, 01:37 

Joined: 21 Mar 2011, 03:44
Posts: 14
Oh, I never doubted it was there (which it is) after reading helifaxs' excerpt. There was just no post about it in the link. After messing with the config, then changing options in-game, the resolution was forced back to single screen. Unfortunately, this also happens is i use the applet.

Hopefully after a patch, we'll be able to do everything in-game. WHY they would force multi-mon resolution to be set outside of the game is beyond me. The README mentions it in the troubleshooting section. Oy.

Yeah it's true, anytime you change a setting in-game, it reverts to your highest single monitor resolution. I'm hoping for a few patches myself, one of which I'm hoping for is a scaling patch for quadfired HD6990s. AMD supposedly addressed this issue back in January, but I have the problem now that the game has been released. I had horrible performance regardless of setting throughout the entire game (beat it 100% already), but it was as enjoyable as it was on the 360.

PostPosted: 13 Jun 2011, 18:05 

Joined: 11 Apr 2010, 22:29
Posts: 37
but it was as enjoyable as it was on the 360.

nothing beats the PC + eyefinity :nudgenudge

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