Widescreen Gaming Forum

Eyefinity or nvidia surround: which is better at running different monitor sizes?
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Author:  peppergomez [ 18 Oct 2011, 06:39 ]
Post subject:  Eyefinity or nvidia surround: which is better at running different monitor sizes?

I am considering the following for a three monitor setup: one 30inch for the center and 2 20inches on either side, in portrait mode. Total resolution would would be 4960x1600.

I am thinkung about this because i watch lots of movies on my computer and want a large center monitorthat is well suoted for this. Having the 2 20 inch monitors would be for the extra peripheral vision while gaming. Which would be better suited to this, AMS or NVIDIA? I would probably go with 2 hd6990s or 2 gtx590s.

I would also make use of the 2 20inch monitors while web browsing and editing text.


Author:  Olstyle [ 19 Oct 2011, 17:23 ]
Post subject:  At the moment, neither of the

At the moment, neither of the two supports different resolutions on the screens. The only way around that issue is SoftTH. Since it isn't compatible with Crossfire or SLI, but benefits greatly from "local heads"(monitors which are attached to the primary graphicscard), a HD6970 would be the way to go.

Author:  Wizerd [ 25 Oct 2011, 23:39 ]
Post subject:  Hello, I have 3 monitors set

Hello, I have 3 monitors set up. I'm using a single Radeon HD 6870 (xoc version). I'm running the screens in Eyefinity and not having a problem. Except bezel correction, which is really not that big a deal. Now the thing is I have 2 20 inch monitors and one 19 inch, I ran over budget when I was building my pc. I plan on buying either another 20 inch or larger monitor when my budget allows.

So, you can run different size monitors with Eyefinity. I can't speak for Nvidea. Now my gaming experience with this card has been great. There isn't any game I can't max settings on with a resolution of 4820 X 900 (if the game allows). Playing Age of Conan on max video settings I get fps between 35 - 50. I know adding another card would increase this, but Its flawless as is and spending another $250 - $300 isn't worth it to meet my needs. (Plus the extra heat I would need more fans, and I have a 700watt PSU which i would have to increase as well).

My suggestion is to try one card and see how that works for you. If it does then save the money, if not, make the investment.

When I was shopping for cards, I ran accross some compatibility problems with Motherboards. So make sure your card is compatible with your motherboard. I'm talking about the motherboard itself, not the slot.

Good luck

Author:  Olstyle [ 27 Oct 2011, 20:20 ]
Post subject:  Different monitor sizes are

Different monitor sizes are no problem by themselves and I didn't say otherwise. What I said is: different monitor resolutions don't work.
If you run a 30" screen next to a 20" Screen using the same resolutiion on both, the picture would look horrible because the picture on the 30" would be more zoomed in(and most likely grainy as hell).

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