Widescreen Gaming Forum

Need Help Getting Surround to Work
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Author:  stinkpaw [ 28 Dec 2011, 19:10 ]
Post subject:  Need Help Getting Surround to Work

I am having problems configuring Surround on my system: I have 2 GTX 590s and am trying to connect 3 24" HP monitors running 1920 x 1200.

In the nvidia control panel when I click the Span Displays with Surriund and try to configure, I get a window which says Connect Display as Shown and gives a link that shows a picture of exactly how I have my monitors connected.

I've attached a PDF with step by step of what I've done and screen shots. I've got to be doing something stupid but I can't figure out what it is. Please help.

Attached files GTX590s Surround.pdf (169.9 KB)

Author:  suiken_2mieu [ 29 Dec 2011, 09:56 ]
Post subject:  Got a picture of the back end

Got a picture of the back end of your computer with the cable hooked up?

Also, you may need to move one to the other card as card 1 could be card 2 on your mb.
try switching, maybe it will configure.

Author:  hunuok [ 29 Dec 2011, 12:21 ]
Post subject:  Try connecting the displays

Try connecting the displays as follows:

1-A, 1-B, 2-A. ie, move 2-A to 1-B, and 2-B to 2-A.

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