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PostPosted: 04 Mar 2012, 21:53 

Joined: 01 Jan 2012, 21:18
Posts: 26
Hello again,

What is the best angle to set the three displays at in relation to the middle one? Would like to see degrees, or even pictures that illustrate the proper placement.

And bezel correction is getting a tad weird. Even though in the configuration the edges of the street line up nicely, this isn't often represented in the games I'm playing (WoW, ME3).

What have you guys been doing? Do your set your displays edge-to-edge? Do you overlap their bezels to reduce how much is actually taken away from the field of vision?

Thanks for any input.


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PostPosted: 05 Mar 2012, 04:30 

Joined: 01 Jan 2012, 21:18
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PostPosted: 05 Mar 2012, 06:28 
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Joined: 21 Mar 2006, 05:01
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No "best" angle, really. Some prefer flat, some prefer a tight arrangement. Me, I have my centre display at arms-length, adn although I've never measured it, my side screens are angled in to about 20 degrees. Pretty much so each screen I face straight-on when i turn my head.

I set my screens mostly edge-to-edge. The front edge of my sides re contacting the middle of the side of my center. I tried overlapping and really didn't like it. having one part of the screen almost an inch back from a neighbouring edge really bugged me.

In games, be sure to set the Bezel Corrected resolution, not the default Eyefinity resolution. If it still looks funny, then your correction may need to be altered, I think the yellow triangle method is atrocious. I use a jpeg of a grid to set mine.Anytime i set it with the triangles and where it looks correct, it's always sider than it should be.

PostPosted: 05 Mar 2012, 08:22 

Joined: 21 Feb 2010, 13:58
Posts: 15
My advice is to avoid bezel correction in a gaming all together.... For fist person gaming in particular there is no need for it... Your eyes will compensate. I maybe wrong but in order to correct so the image looks continious across the bezel you need to lose some information, making a blind spot.

Maybe for WoW of Skyrim is may make your view more natural, but for hetic first person shooters, trust me you will never notice the bezel after 15 min of gaming. Your brain just compesates for the bezel and the image seems seamless, but warping the image on the fly to compensate for the bezel will jump out at you.

Also I place the side monitors at about 20-25 degree, I have 3 x 19" 1280x1024 monitors which fills my field of view through my glasses perfectly.

PostPosted: 05 Mar 2012, 20:39 
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i have mine around 20 degrees as well, give or take.
Just set them flat and game for a few, then pull them out about 10-15 and game for a little again, then take pivet to nearly 25 degrees. make the choice yourself.
i had the same issue and thats how i did it, started flat and worked my way up, i mean cmon it takes 5 seconds to twist a monitor a half inch.

as for bezel correction, i can't deal with it, i keep coming across instances where there's on screen text or somethign that spills over a bezel and seeing a letter or two missing just kills me. even if its a backround object, its terrible.

for FPS id say "hell no!" to bezel correct, course the odds are low, but its totally possible to have a character in the distance right in that pixel shift location and you wouldnt even see them.
it even bugs me in SP games like skyrim, i used it for a while but in the end jsut shut it off

Asus P8P67 Pro, I7 2600k @ 4.6Ghz, 8gb, 250GB SSD/ 4TB Mechanical, Modded GTX 780TI, 3x AOC 27" IPS 5760x1080

PostPosted: 09 Mar 2012, 06:45 
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Joined: 21 Mar 2006, 05:01
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But then, any content hidden "behind" the bezels would not visible in single-screen anyway... I play mostly FPS and I haven't really found this to be a problem. Before ATI finally gave us bezel correction, having the lack of it driove me nuts.

But hey, you do what you feel is best fro you. If you really want the ideal setup, use three projectors or find the slimmest bezel you can.

PostPosted: 09 Mar 2012, 08:18 

Joined: 21 Feb 2012, 17:55
Posts: 24
If the fisheye effect bothers you then you have to either go full flat, or even turn the side monitors *away* from you to lessen it

Since the side monitors are usually for peripheral vision anyways - i make mine usually flat..sometimes i turn it about 10 degresses inward, as long as i see each monitor as a whole in my vision

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