Widescreen Gaming Forum

Adam's Venture
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Author:  Bryce777 [ 06 Jul 2012, 05:13 ]
Post subject:  Adam's Venture

Game was on sale on steam and looked fun, so I picked it up. Seems to have no Eyefinity support. I was able to get my resolution by adding it in the configuration files but the FOV is way zoomed in and I see nowhere to adjust it. are there any fixes out ther for it?

here's the config files.
   SupportedResolutions[0]=(ResX=1024, ResY=768)
   SupportedResolutions[1]=(ResX=1280, ResY=720)
   SupportedResolutions[2]=(ResX=1280, ResY=768)
   SupportedResolutions[3]=(ResX=1280, ResY=800)
   SupportedResolutions[4]=(ResX=1280, ResY=1024)
   SupportedResolutions[5]=(ResX=1366, ResY=768)
   SupportedResolutions[6]=(ResX=1400, ResY=900)
   SupportedResolutions[7]=(ResX=1600, ResY=900)
   SupportedResolutions[8]=(ResX=1680, ResY=1050)
   SupportedResolutions[9]=(ResX=1920, ResY=1080)
   SupportedResolutions[10]=(ResX=5992, ResY=1080)
   BopCurveMaxDis = 2.0
   BopCurve[0]=(Dis=0.0,   X=0.0,   Y=0.0,   Z=0.0)
   BopCurve[1]=(Dis=0.2,   X=0.0,   Y=1.0,   Z=-1.0)
   BopCurve[2]=(Dis=0.5,   X=0.0,   Y=2.0,   Z=-3.0)
   BopCurve[3]=(Dis=0.8,   X=0.0,   Y=1.0,   Z=0.0)
   BopCurve[4]=(Dis=1.0,   X=0.0,   Y=0.0,   Z=2.0)
   BopCurve[5]=(Dis=1.2,   X=0.0,   Y=-1.0,   Z=0.0)
   BopCurve[6]=(Dis=1.5,   X=0.0,   Y=-2.0, Z=-3.0)
   BopCurve[7]=(Dis=1.8,   X=0.0,   Y=-1.0,   Z=-1.0)
   BopCurve[8]=(Dis=2.0,   X=0.0,   Y=0.0,   Z=0.0)
   ZoomLength = 1.2
   ZoomedDistance = 200
   TimeToRespawn = 0
   TimeToRespawn = 4
   bUseAcceleration = True
   MaxAcceleration = 4.0
   ; -----------------------------------------------
   ; Customizations for a deployed and cooked build
   ; -----------------------------------------------

   GameName=Venture Game
   GameName=Venture Game
   Description=Adam's Venture : Epsiode II
   ; Limit for change of fudge factor range to avoid hysteresis
   ; Determines when to fiddle with fudge factor to stream out miplevels.
   ; Determines when to start disallowing texture miplevel increases.
   ; Limit when stop issueing new streaming requests altogether
   ; Rate of change to use when increasing fudge factor
   ; Rate of change to use when decreasing fudge factor
   ; Minimum number of requested mips at which texture stream-in request is still going to be considered.
   ; This is used by the texture priming code to prioritize large request for higher miplevels before smaller
   ; ones for background textures to avoid seeking and texture popping.
   ; Minimum amount of time in seconds to guarantee MinRequestedMipsToConsider to be respected
   ; Maximum amount of time in seconds to guarantee MinRequestedMipsToConsider to be respected
   ; unsure if this is still needed.
   ; -----------------------------------------------
   ; Customizations for a deployed and cooked build
   ; (unverified with the new July 2010 QA!)
   ; -----------------------------------------------
   ; [Core.System]
   ; ; override our system paths. we have to set the ordinary Paths variable too,
   ; ; since that's where our packagecache retrieves its packages from
   ; -Paths=....VentureGameScript
   ; +Paths=....VentureGameCookedPC
   ; ;+SeekFreePCPaths=....VentureGame
   ; +SeekFreePCPaths=....VentureGameCookedPC

anything in there I can change to adjust the FOV?

Author:  Bifurk8 [ 07 Jul 2012, 16:14 ]
Post subject:  Judging from the ini file,

Judging from the ini file, I'm guessing this is an Unreal Engine game. Unfortunately, the Unreal Engine is notoriously bad at handling triple-wide FOVs and most Unreal Engine games need a memory hack to fix rather than an ini edit, but that's easier said than done. There are a few developers here working on fixes, but Adam's Venture probably isn't going to be at the top of anybody's list. Sorry!

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