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 Post subject: Problems with LA Noire.
PostPosted: 20 Mar 2012, 03:25 

Joined: 01 Jan 2012, 21:18
Posts: 26
Fresh thread, I know, and I think I saw the other LA Noire thread somewhere, but I was hoping to find a more direct answer.

Bought LA Noire off of Steam because it was 20 bucks (yoink).

But I'm having some issues.

Is surround gaming for it broken? I get the vibe that it is.

But beyond that, it's look less than stellar. I've tried nVidia Control Panel and nVidia Inspector but I can't seem to do anything about the frakkin' jaggies. I want them GONE.

In the meantime, can someone give me the rundown of the different types of anti-aliasing? I see Qs, Ms, and such. I'm about to go into a separate google search after I post this, but I can usually count on a community to give a response that's much easier to digest.



 Post subject: I'm having trouble even
PostPosted: 13 Sep 2012, 16:15 

Joined: 25 Apr 2010, 22:07
Posts: 130
I'm having trouble even getting L.A. Noire to start on my 5x1P. It just crashes when I try to get the game going with whatever fixes exist. Might try 3x1P here sometime and see if it's an aspect ratio issue or a vertical resolution issue. I'm expecting vertical resolution issues as 1920 vertical lines is a lot more than some games expect. Skyrim, for instance, has a "level up" notice that's supposed to sit underneath the 1080 line on a normal screen. Strange thing is, the "level up" notice isn't even used in the game and no one seems to recognize where it comes from. Just another good reason not to leave junk in games.

Also, I'm only familiar with MSAA and FXAA. The first one is classic anti-aliasing. I think what this does is it calculates the percentages of the sources of color for a pixel. Such that if you have multiple polygonal lines crossing over a pixel, it averages together the colors to give you a better perception of all of them. FXAA is also called "blurring" by people that are MSAA enthusiasts. It's a more approximated form of anti-aliasing and is far more performance efficient. I think it functions off of finding contrasts in the 2D image (it's a post-processing technique) and blurring together any sharp contrasts. When you have a lot of excess resolution, I recommend FXAA over MSAA as MSAA will wreck your system and you have so much excess resolution that any "blurring" from FXAA isn't noticeable. Though, if you want to get really crazy, you could do both FXAA and MSAA, but your machine is liable to slow to a crawl.

Hope that cleared it up without too much rambling. ;)

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PostPosted: 14 Apr 2014, 02:10 

Joined: 14 Apr 2014, 01:43
Posts: 2
Wanted to throw my 2 cents into this thread really quickly. It looks like from my testing that specifically portrait triple or multi screen is broken. I can't get even a single display portrait to launch the game without a LANLauncher has stopped working error (I wouldn't want a single screen portrait anyway)

I'm still testing to see if there is any way to get the latest build of this game to work in portrait as I don't have enough realestate on my desk for landscape and I prefer portrait anyway.

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