Widescreen Gaming Forum

Help! 4 Screens in Portrait w/ WiiU/Xbox works in Surround
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Author:  dinglesniff [ 24 Dec 2014, 10:29 ]
Post subject:  Help! 4 Screens in Portrait w/ WiiU/Xbox works in Surround

How can I get my 4 30" 1600p screens to work with a Nintendo Wii U so it sees it as ONE screen instead of 4 separate ones?

Right now I am able to run Surround on all 4 screens and it's great for movies. I don't own a TV so it would be great to actually use this Wii / Xbox.

Anybody know an easy non expensive fix?


Author:  Haldi [ 25 Dec 2014, 13:43 ]
Post subject:  Re: Help! 4 Screens in Portrait w/ WiiU/Xbox works in Surrou

You need a hardware Box which does the Surround configuration as the wii U does not have this feature native. AFAIK

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