Widescreen Gaming Forum

[-noun] Web community dedicated to ensuring PC games run properly on your tablet, netbook, personal computer, HDTV and multi-monitor gaming rig.
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PostPosted: 04 Dec 2015, 17:43 

Joined: 04 Dec 2015, 17:27
Posts: 1
I am looking to got triples for a game I play called iRacing. I also play some FPS games but not as much as iRacing. I currently own a Samung S23A950D 120hz monitor which I absolutely love. The issue is, its near impossible to find this monitor or its brother (S23A750D) Used at a reasonable price. I would love to buy two more Samsung monitors for triples and call it a day but this doesn't seem possible. I was thinking about keeping my Samsung as a center monitor and getting two Acer-R240HY monitors for the sides. The Acer runs at native 60hz but can overclock to 75hz ive read. I would have to run a program called SoftTH so I could run the center monitor at 120hz and my sides at 75hz. Does this sound like the best solution? Is this the best monitor for the money right now for gaming? I had an Acer H236HL and I absolutely loved it, so I'm sort of want to stay with an IPS for good colors and viewing angles. My budget is pretty tight right now so I'm trying to do this without making the wife mad or breaking the bank. Help me make the right decision!! Thanks!!!


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