Widescreen Gaming Forum

Working alternative programs to Flawless Widescreen?
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Author:  Mixelplix [ 17 Mar 2019, 03:26 ]
Post subject:  Working alternative programs to Flawless Widescreen?

I have been waiting to see if haYden would return, but his last site visit is almost 2 years ago now. I can't stand playing single monitor games anymore, and I am less likely to try new games if they just wont work with Surround. Is there any program being maintained that performs like Flawlesss Widescreen? If anyone is in touch with haYden and knows if he plans to continue work with Flawless, would love to know as well. I hate that this entire community seems so dependent on just a couple of very knowledgeable programers to make things work with triple screen, but that is basically where we are at as far as I can tell. I would donate if I knew work was ongoing, not expecting miracles for free.

Author:  Rose [ 17 Mar 2019, 06:09 ]
Post subject:  Re: Working alternative programs to Flawless Widescreen?

I don't think you understand that Flawless Widescreen is essentially just a collection of manually found patterns, just like PhantomGamers' Telltale patcher. That's why the scope is limited. Each game is programmed in its own way, and while there are patterns, especially within one engine - note the abundance of fixes for UE4 games on here - it's impossible to have one solution for all.

Author:  Mixelplix [ 20 Mar 2019, 23:30 ]
Post subject:  Re: Working alternative programs to Flawless Widescreen?

Rose wrote:
I don't think you understand that Flawless Widescreen is essentially just a collection of manually found patterns, just like PhantomGamers' Telltale patcher. That's why the scope is limited. Each game is programmed in its own way, and while there are patterns, especially within one engine - note the abundance of fixes for UE4 games on here - it's impossible to have one solution for all.

I knew each game required it's own unique work to make it function, and that Flawless was kind of like an aggregator interface (forgive the lack of exact tech terminology). There are a bunch of smaller more indie games I find which look cool, but few support triple screen without major issues. Just looking to see if there was anything that resembled FW out there that I may have missed

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