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PostPosted: 02 Jul 2010, 23:47 

Joined: 29 Mar 2008, 17:19
Posts: 205
UPDATE! 06.06.13 - Using the 320.18 drivers with my new GTX 780, the following has changed in Surround Mode (I never use Extended Desktop Mode):

1) Windows Taskbar on center monitor only (new default): This is implemented poorly (and feels like a hack), as the left and right monitors have no task bar at all. I have disabled this so that the taskbar stretches across all three monitors, so I use the task bar the same as before.

2) Start Menu - I am used to the Start Menu being on the far left now, so I just use that, I no longer use Vista Start Menu as it takes too long to run first use. I do still use "Classic Shell" which replaces the Win7 Start Menu with a Classic Start Menu (like XP). I do still have the row of Quick Launch icons on the left side for all my games, works well, and allow open applications to be on the center task bar.

3) Maximize to current monitor only. This finally works well, and I no longer use Matrox PowerDesk or SplitView (the new Nvidia nvsmartmaxapp.exe processes actually conflict with SplitView and had to stop using it).

4) My favorite media player, Zoom Player, finally works with the Nvidia maximize to current windows process (nvsmartmaxapp.exe).

6) As a replacement for "Autosizer", which does not work with 64 bit Windows, I am now using "WinSize2", and so far so good, allows me to train Windows to pop up in certain locations across my triplewide desktop. Good for those desktop shortcuts "Desktop Left" and "Desktop Right" etc.

Everything else below this line is out of date, but does generally show how I use surround mode 7/24.


OLD! Added a Nvidia Control Panel Launcher bat file that re-enables "Show window contents while dragging" when the Nvidia Control Panel is closed. See the 12th post below...

WINDOWS DESKTOP (see other post down the page for the bezel correct wallpaper setup)

1) Do not install the 258.69 drivers ahead of time, as they will not detect the Surround feature, you have to install the 258.69 drivers after installing the 2nd card (or reinstall which is what I did).

2) The GTX 470 cards can be different brands, I have a PNY and a MSI (was $299 on Amazon).

3) Your Windows 7 desktop will be one giant monitor, and when you hit maximize, it will stretch across all three screens (this is ridiculously dumb).
UPDATE! Installed the Matrox PowerDesk and it actually fixes this problem :) http://www.matrox.com/graphics/en/suppo ... product=71

4a) Your Start Menu will be on the far left side of the left monitor, and system tray on the far right...I am not used to this after using UltraMon+SoftTH.
UPDATE! Created a QuickLaunch Toolbar that runs from the Start Menu far left to the beginning of the middle screen and put all my shortcuts to games on it, then pinned on the middle monitor a shortcut to "Vista Start Menu" and it opens up on the middle monitor (after moving it). http://www.vistastartmenu.com/index.html

4b) UPDATE! I am trying out the freeware Classic Shell, replaces a bunch of stuff Windows 7 does wrong with what XP did right, at least imho.

Classic Start Menu
Add "Up" arrow back to explorer (woohoo!)
Disable "breadcrumbs" (just show path instead)
Add Upper left icon and Title to explorer Windor
Replace the "Confirm File Replace" with the classic look (I had already wrote a AutoIt script for this but now don't need it)
and more!

5) John's Background Switcher (nice app for rotating triplewide wallpapers) still works great! http://johnsadventures.com/software/backgroundswitcher/

6) NEW! Another program I always used with 32 bit windows was AutoSizer, it allowed you to train particular explorer (or any program) windows to open at a certain location and size on your desktop. I always hated the default 800x600 random explorer window that pops up on your desktop when you follow a new shortcut.
Windows 7 dropped the option to "remember folder size and location options", and instead went with "the next explorer window will open at the same size and location as the last explorer window". I do not like this either.
So I found "ShellFolderFix" (32 and 64 bit) that allows you to save each explorer window to wherever you want, for example on my desktop I have a shortcut "Desktop Left", now it always open on the left desktop, and the same for "Desktop Middle" and "Desktop Right".
http://www.sevenforums.com/customizatio ... -size.html

7) The one and only thing Vista did right was to add the Favorites pane to the left side in Explorer, I got so used to it I added it to XP (sort of). Then Windows 7 ruined it by adding Libraries, Homegroups, My Computer, and Network. The following page shows you how to remove each one, I am now back to just Favorites (can fit more favorites without the left pane scrolling).
http://www.askvg.com/how-to-remove-comp ... tion-pane/

8) So far programs seem to open the last place I opened them (outlook on the left, itunes on the left, firefox in the middle, word in the middle, utorrent on the right), so that is one thing I like and have not had to find a "fix" for.

Nvidia Surround vs SoftTH Early Results
Resolution 5040x1050 unless noted otherwise
All details in game set to max unless noted otherwise
Nvidia driver set to "Let Application Decide"
Using 1 PNY and 1 MSI GTX 470
Bezel Correction working ingame unless noted otherwise

Aliens Vs Predator (finished game, my score 88/100)
+ DX11 Mode, Hud Centered, Excellent Lighting and Sky Effects
+ Was not working with SoftTH
- Recommend turning off motion blur and/or ambient occlusion

Assassin's Creed II (20% complete, my score 90/100)
+ Runs very smooth

Battlefield Bad Company 2 (finished game, my score 90/100)
+ DX11 Mode, Gorgeous graphics, destructible environments
+ High Detail ~45 fps
+ 4X MSAA (higher and fps drop to slideshow)

Bioshock 2 (50% complete, my score 90/100)
+ DX10 Mode, Runs very smooth, gorgeous graphics
+ Was not working with SoftTH

Blacksite: Area 51 (finished game, my score 80/100)
+ Use GeneralAdmissions' fix to correct the FOV

Borderlands (20% complete, my score 90/100)
+ Highest settings enabled, runs smooth, game gets hard when you go after the Mining Key!
* Use the Config Editor http://gbxforums.gearboxsoftware.com/sh ... hp?t=85874
* Set FOV to 145 for sprint only (else driving vehicles is messed up), see next line to "fix" sprint after using Config Editor
* Edit My DocumentsMy GamesBorderlandsWillowGameConfigWillowInput.ini sprint key to (I use NumPadNine):
Bindings=(Name="NumPadNine",Command="advancedbutton bAdvancedButtonAux6 | FOV 130 | OnRelease FOV 145",Control=False,Shift=False,Alt=False,LeftTrigger=False,RightTrigger=False,bIgnoreCtrl=False,bIgnoreShift=False,bIgnoreAlt=False)
* Note also use the sprint key to re-apply the FOV 145 at start of game and when exiting vehicles. I do not assign the FOV keys to any of the movement keys (forward, back, strafe left/right) as it messes up driving.
- Menus are partly off screen, but easy enough to figure out

Call of Duty World at War (finished game, my score 90/100)
+ Use Widescreen Fixer to correct the aspect ratio
+ No more stuttering in pre-mission videos

Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2
- Game engine is showing it's age, Battlefield Bad Company 2 looks much better in DX10
* Use Widescreen Fixer to correct the aspect ratio

Crysis Warhead (30% complte, my score 88/100)
+ DX10 Enthusiast Mode
+ 4320x900
- unplayable 5040x1050, probably needs some tweaks

Fallout 3 (finished game, my score 94/100)
+ Use the forum fixes for PipBoy font etc

Farcry 2 (10% complete, my score too early to tell, but around 75/100 so far)
+ DX10, v1.03 has proper support for all wide/triple resolutions
+ Runs silky smooth
- Cross-hair does not appear to work
- First hour or two of the game is pretty boring stuff

F.E.A.R. 2 (50% complete, my score 90/100, starts slow, but gets much better)
+ Runs smooth

Frontlines - Fuel of War (finished game, my score 80/100)
+ Fixed distant textures problem (black) in SoftTH

Ghostbusters: The Video Game
- FAIL, crashes to desktop if you select Audio/Video options and after videos when starting career
* Note - does work if I disable Surround on a single monitor

GTA IV (20% complete, my score 90/100)
+ 4320x900
- unplayable 5040x1050, probably needs some tweaks with DX10 enabled or SLI disabled
- plays smooth with below commandline.txt
-renderquality 2 -shadowdensity 2 -texturequality 1 -viewdistance 20 -detailquality 20 -width 4464 -height 900

Just Cause 2
+ DX11 Mode
+ 4320x900
- can hear the GPU fans running
- may require more tweaking to get smooth frame rates

Medal of Honor Airborne (finished game, my score 88/100)
+ Max detail runs great
* Follow Paddy's guide here to fix FOV, sprint, etc: http://www.widescreengamingforum.com/fo ... rne#110810

Metro 2033 (finished game, my score 80/100)
+ DX11 Mode, Game runs so much better in DX9 mode, but looks much better in DX11.
+ 4320x900, high detail, vsync enabled
- game does not run smoothly with very high detail, needs more tweaking

Prototype (40% complete, my score 78/100)
+ DX10 Moe, Runs smooth
- Requires hex edit hack for triplewide resolutions, or download file that will run game at your desktop resolution: http://www.mediafire.com/?tnyytylqmn1

Red Faction Guerrilla (30% complete, my score 82/100)
+ DX10 Mode
+ Was not working with SoftTH
- can hear the GPU fans running

Saboteur, The
* If you have never heard of this game, look it up! It's a mix of GTA IV + Splinter Cell Double Agent + Assassin's Creed + Nazis
* Works great with Racer_S' FOV fix, I use a value of 840: http://www.widescreengamingforum.com/fo ... e+Saboteur
* Do not patch to 1.03, Do not install EA Game Updater
- Some minor texture corruptions can pop-up here and there, on screen "Time to Beat" stays on the right screen all the time (but you soon ignore it)
- Problems have been reported with ATI cards and some Quadcores, runs great for me so far

Singularity (60% complete, my score 85/100)
* Edit registry key for triplewide: HKEY_CURRENT_USERSoftwareActivisionSingularity ResX, ResY
* Patch to v1.1 else use the Texture Patch, Note: If you installed the texture patch, you need to undo it before patching to v1.1 else you get a runtime error.
* Texture Patch http://www.playwrite-blog.net/tools-and ... ure-patch/
- FOV is not bad, but could be pulled back a bit

Splinter Cell Double Agent (75% complete, my score 90/100)
* Edit ini files
* http://www.widescreengamingforum.com/fo ... =56&t=8867
- Sniper Zoom does not work, but you hardly ever need the sniper so I switch to single screen when needed
- Game crashes to desktop with C++ runtime errors way too often (not related to triplewide)

Wings of Prey
+ DX10 Mode
+ Dusted off the Wingman 3D Force joystick, looks amazing


Core i7-8086K @ 5.0 Ghz | H60 | Nvidia GTX 980 Ti 6GB | Soundblaster Z | Asus Z370-A

16GB DDR4 | Win10 x64 | 3x27" Asus IPS @ 5760x1080 | Samsung 970 1TB NVMe

Last edited by tricky on 06 Jun 2013, 23:55, edited 1 time in total.


PostPosted: 03 Jul 2010, 05:04 

Joined: 20 Jun 2010, 04:19
Posts: 137
Bioshock 2 is the last game I would test for this. It is an ugly console port and repeats the same mistakes pre-patch Bioshock 1 did with regard to FOV and aspect ratio.

Also, bezel correction is currently bugged. It works when you first set up Surround (or, of course, when you exit Surround and re-enter that mode), but it does not work if you try to refine it once you are already within Surround.

Thanks for the software tip!

PostPosted: 04 Jul 2010, 21:22 

Joined: 29 Mar 2008, 17:19
Posts: 205
Bioshock 2 fov looks good to me (make sure you install the latest patches as it fixes aspect ratio/fov), also my initial issues with fire effects went away after a reboot, played for a couple of hours and was smooth, but bezel correction does not work.

For all other games I have tried so far bezel correction worked correctly, you can even change your triple desktop to use bezel correction, which looks nice for the wallpapers, but not so good for the explorer windows that overlap monitors.


Core i7-8086K @ 5.0 Ghz | H60 | Nvidia GTX 980 Ti 6GB | Soundblaster Z | Asus Z370-A

16GB DDR4 | Win10 x64 | 3x27" Asus IPS @ 5760x1080 | Samsung 970 1TB NVMe

PostPosted: 10 Jul 2010, 19:08 
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Joined: 12 Aug 2006, 16:05
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Location: Germany
So, you are saying, Matrox' PowerDesk Software works without even having an DH2G/TH2G adapter?

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PostPosted: 11 Jul 2010, 01:08 

Joined: 29 Mar 2008, 17:19
Posts: 205
So, you are saying, Matrox' PowerDesk Software works without even having an DH2G/TH2G adapter?

Yep! And I just figured out a new trick, I now have desktop wallpapers that are bezel corrected by creating 5 regions with the Matrox PowerDesk software.

First choose a desktop resolution with bezel adjustments, e.g. I am using 1440x900x3+correction=4464x900

[ 1.1 Left Screen ] [1.2] [1.3 Center Screen] [1.4] [ 1.5 Right Screen ]

1.2 and 1.4 are the minimum width, and are set so that a window maximized on the middle screen fills the middle screen, this makes the left and right screens when they maximize leave a 1" or so gap between them and the middle monitor which actually works very nicely, as I put my left and right screens behind the middle monitor to reduce bezel size, and sometimes when left/right maximized windows are in the corners stuff is hard to see...

Since there is now a gap you can't see where the bezels are on the Task Bar, I figured out the following:

|| Start | Quick Launch Toolbar with large Game Icons/Text |[bezel] Pinned Unused Program | Pinned Unused Program [bezel] || Vista Start Menu Pinned | Task Bar with open programs||[bezel] [/bezel] || Empty Task Bar | Quick Launch Toolbar 2 with Commonly Used Programs | System Tray ||

So I have:

Windows Start Menu in the left corner (which I rarely use)
Quick Launch Toolbar with large icons of all the installed games
2 Unused Programs Pinned after the Quick Launch Toolbar as spacers for the hidden bezel area

Vista Start Menu Pinned to left corner, I prefer the Classic Menu this uses
Outlook, Word, Netscape, UTorrent Pinned to task bar
Rest of task bar blank

At the halfway mark, Quick Launch Toolbar 2 with large icons of commonly used programs
System Tray

I use John's Background Switcher to change my desktop to a triplewide screenshot of a random game every 15 minutes, and now the wallpapers also have bezel correction!

In the above image of my Windows Surround Desktop (not in game), note how the angle of the bridge matches across monitors thanks to bezel correction.

In conclusion:

* Surround Mode Windows Desktop all the time
* Classic Start Menu on Middle monitor
* Bezel Corrected Triplewide wallpapers
* Windows maximize to current monitor only
* No desktop icons, all are on Quick Launch 1 (Games) or Quick Launch 2 (Apps)
* Since no desktop icons, changing resolutions doesn't scramble my desktop icons

Liking this setup a lot!

Give it a try!


Core i7-8086K @ 5.0 Ghz | H60 | Nvidia GTX 980 Ti 6GB | Soundblaster Z | Asus Z370-A

16GB DDR4 | Win10 x64 | 3x27" Asus IPS @ 5760x1080 | Samsung 970 1TB NVMe

PostPosted: 12 Jul 2010, 13:42 
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Joined: 27 Dec 2009, 14:27
Posts: 1789
Nice detailed info btw :)

* Since no desktop icons, changing resolutions doesn't scramble my desktop icons

Personally I use Fences by stardock, its free and allows you to group icons together into a translucent box, this also supports multi screens and multi resolutions, so you can setup your placement of the boxes according to extended or span mode, thus leaving the icons exactly where they are in both extended and span :D

Ill take some screenies later when im back at home.

| Gigabyte X79S-UP5-WiFi Skt2011 | i7 4820k @4.4GHz Watercooled (Ivy Bridge-E) | Corsair Vengence 32GB @2133MHz 11-11-11-27 2T Quad-Channel (8x4GB) | AMD R9-Fury-X 4GB @1140/505MHz + EKWB Watercooled | 256GB Crucial MX200 SSD | 8x 1TB Samsung F3 SATA-II | Corsair 850W TX PSU | 3x Dell S2209W 22"wide TFT's (5760x1080res) | Logitech Z-5400 5.1ch speakers | Win7 Ultimate x64 |

PostPosted: 16 Jul 2010, 09:35 

Joined: 16 Jul 2010, 09:33
Posts: 1
So, you are saying, Matrox' PowerDesk Software works without even having an DH2G/TH2G adapter?

When i click "Desktop Management" , a dialog box pops up saying "No Matrox hardware detected" ...

any luck with yours ?

PostPosted: 16 Jul 2010, 18:09 

Joined: 29 Mar 2008, 17:19
Posts: 205
Matrox PowerDesk installs and runs fine on Win7 x64 here...When I click on Desktop Management I see the layout.

Are you running it while in Surround Mode?

If I go to About, says Matrox PowerDesk - Version 1.09.0031.0521 2.07.00 GXM

The 26 mb downloaded software is called "v64_gxm_2_07_00_031_whql.exe"

Looks like the same version here:



Core i7-8086K @ 5.0 Ghz | H60 | Nvidia GTX 980 Ti 6GB | Soundblaster Z | Asus Z370-A

16GB DDR4 | Win10 x64 | 3x27" Asus IPS @ 5760x1080 | Samsung 970 1TB NVMe

PostPosted: 16 Jul 2010, 20:07 
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Joined: 09 Jan 2010, 00:50
Posts: 90
pretty cool stuff... I don't use my gaming machine for anything other than gaming, but if I did use it for more general computing I would likely want to configure my desktop like that..

PostPosted: 26 Jul 2010, 20:03 

Joined: 29 Mar 2008, 17:19
Posts: 205
Awesome Freeware: If you are not a huge fan of Windows 7 changes from XP, this free software is for me and you:

Classic Shell

Classic Start Menu
Add "Up" arrow back to explorer (woohoo!)
Disable "breadcrumbs" (just show path instead)
Add Upper left icon and Title to explorer Windor
Replace the "Confirm File Replace" with the classic look (I had already wrote a AutoIt script for this but now don't need it)
and more!


Core i7-8086K @ 5.0 Ghz | H60 | Nvidia GTX 980 Ti 6GB | Soundblaster Z | Asus Z370-A

16GB DDR4 | Win10 x64 | 3x27" Asus IPS @ 5760x1080 | Samsung 970 1TB NVMe

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