Widescreen Gaming Forum

3 screens in SLI and 1 display accessory
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Author:  taggart [ 01 Jul 2012, 08:59 ]
Post subject:  3 screens in SLI and 1 display accessory

I'm having trouble getting a 4th display to work in my setup. I am running two 570's with my computer screens attached and also an older gtx 7950 to power my Samsung TV.

However, whenever I enable SLI in the nVidia control panel it doesn't send any information to the TV. I can use the option "Activate all displays" but the problem is that it it doesn't span across my 3 screens for SLI.

There is an image of my control panel attached. I'd like to be able to "Span displays with Surround" and still have my TV enabled. Is there anything I can do?

Attached files

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