Widescreen Gaming Forum

Do not use, I repeat do not use "The Geforce Experience"
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Author:  Gezzer [ 25 Jun 2013, 08:32 ]
Post subject:  Do not use, I repeat do not use "The Geforce Experience"

Just a heads up for anyone foolishly thinking, like myself, that Nvidia's new app "The Geforce Experience" might be a great way to maximize your frame rate to visual quality ratio in surround.
This stupid thing will detect that you have a surround resolution but will optimize for your default 1 panel res. Even if the game is something like Witchers 2, which is known to work in surround. :thumbdown:
Okay sure it's most likely just using a data base for it's look up table, but still they could easily have a check for surround and then warn the user that the resolution will be set to something other than default. Now I'm stuck redoing the settings for every game the piece of sh@t software "optimized".
Until Nvidia fixes this I suggest staying far away from this thing. :nudgenudge:

Author:  Delphium [ 25 Jun 2013, 09:37 ]
Post subject:  Re: Do not use, I repeat do not use "The Geforce Experience"

Man that sucks, thanks for the heads up. :onethumb:

Author:  MasterKamiTzu [ 25 Jun 2013, 13:28 ]
Post subject:  Re: Do not use, I repeat do not use "The Geforce Experience"

I can confirm this also happens =) Also Geforce exp is also tricky sometimes puts higher settings than it should. I had my game crash several time before I updated my GPU's radiator fan and Overclock it another 5%-10%

Author:  Delphium [ 25 Jun 2013, 18:30 ]
Post subject:  Re: Do not use, I repeat do not use "The Geforce Experience"

MasterKamiTzu wrote:
I had my game crash several time before I updated my GPU's radiator fan and Overclock it another 5%-10%

Not everyone has a titan, Nvidia ^^ :doh:

Author:  GeneralAdmission [ 26 Jun 2013, 02:49 ]
Post subject:  Re: Do not use, I repeat do not use "The Geforce Experience"

Wow that is a really piss-poor job by NVIDIA.

I've been bitten by such software before, long ago. The best was when AMDs Dual Core Optimizer would bork a boot.ini file if it already contained the pmtimer switch fix, resulting in a HAL.dll error on boot and a non-functional system.

I avoid almost all "optimizing" software like I avoid British period dramas. Manual settings FTW.

Author:  Haldi [ 26 Jun 2013, 03:00 ]
Post subject:  Re: Do not use, I repeat do not use "The Geforce Experience"

huh ? Isn't that still in Beta ?

You really should write a Report or write in their Forums (if they even exist ^^) Then maybe one day they will fix that!

Author:  X-ray Doc [ 28 Jun 2013, 19:20 ]
Post subject:  Re: Do not use, I repeat do not use "The Geforce Experience"

Same experience here. I even remember reading that this new tool was supposed to recognize SLI and surround setups and take that into account when "optimizing" your game settings. It clearly doesn't do that and I wonder if nVidia is even aware. Every "optimization" has been for a single monitor resolution, even though I'm running three in surround mode. Tool is currently running in epic fail mode. :(

Author:  helifax [ 29 Jun 2013, 10:53 ]
Post subject:  Re: Do not use, I repeat do not use "The Geforce Experience"

X-ray Doc wrote:
Same experience here. I even remember reading that this new tool was supposed to recognize SLI and surround setups and take that into account when "optimizing" your game settings. It clearly doesn't do that and I wonder if nVidia is even aware. Every "optimization" has been for a single monitor resolution, even though I'm running three in surround mode. Tool is currently running in epic fail mode. :(

I have submitted I believe around 5 tickets to nVidia regarding this problems months ago, during the beta..

Probably they think..hey! you guys have surround so I bet you know how to properly configure your PC and your games to work;))) Why would you need this app?
I find this app to be for the ";lazy" or the "wanna be" PC gamers...seriously:)))

I have tried the app on my laptop and it does a decent job, but some of the settings it recommends are not "my optimal" so to speak. Not to mention if you overclock the GPU and my laptop GPU (560m) I can OC it around 20% if I remember correctly which is quite alot and gives more power...
There is no wonder push one button = optimal stuff...

Author:  matticitt [ 30 Jun 2013, 23:03 ]
Post subject:  Re: Do not use, I repeat do not use "The Geforce Experience"

This "software" is meant for total noobs who doesn't know games even have settings. I never even turned it on. For me it was obvious that I've done a better job making the game run smooth and no program can ever do it better.

I think nV should make it an option and not mandatory with every new driver.

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