Widescreen Gaming Forum

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Author:  Peer_Review [ 28 Jun 2014, 13:33 ]
Post subject:  Titanfall

I couldn't find if this was posted already so I am making one just in case. After the most recent Titanfall patch it now has native support for Triple Monitor setups. I couldn't believe my eyes at first but the HUD and map were finally present and scaled correctly for 16:3. I liked this game a good bit and having to play at 1440p was tolerable but I hate turning my side monitors off because a developer is incompetent. Source engine handles surround very well from my experience so I don't know why it took this long. The point is, now there is finally native support for 5760 x 1080 and 7680 x 1440. I tried both of them on my two workstations. The game looks great. I hope someone else besides me cares.


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