Widescreen Gaming Forum

Help needed for black bar across monitor!!!
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Author:  CYBER-NINJA [ 27 Dec 2014, 04:02 ]
Post subject:  Help needed for black bar across monitor!!!

Hey Guys -

I have a small problem with my NV Surround set-up. One of my EIZO FG2421's has developed a small problem, with a black bar running across it. Has anyone else experienced this and know of a fix? The problem may have been activated by me accidentally pressing the wrong buttons in some sort of combination, but all was fine when I turned off my PC. Then when I came back from the shops an hour later and rebooted this dren appeared. I've tried everything I can think of and searched the net but alas no joy. It's not driver or GPU related, as I've swapped GPU's and re-installed drivers. So does anyone have any ideas on a cure, other than I may have a faulty monitor???



Author:  CYBER-NINJA [ 27 Dec 2014, 19:38 ]
Post subject:  Re: Help needed for black bar across monitor!!!

WOOP WOOP The problem is fixed!!! :) :) :)


It Appears that as I have debezzled my monitors the main data cable under the PCB had worked loose, so I had the fun game of peeling off all the mounting tape, re-securing the pesky flat data cable. Then re-sticking the PCB back down with new mounting tape. So it's been a fun afternoon, but well worth the endeavor. :thumbup:

Author:  cybereality [ 29 Dec 2014, 08:57 ]
Post subject:  Re: Help needed for black bar across monitor!!!

Awesome! It's fixed!

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