Widescreen Gaming Forum

GTX 760 SLI 5 monitors.
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Author:  QszR [ 25 Jan 2015, 21:13 ]
Post subject:  GTX 760 SLI 5 monitors.

Hello. Currently I have a GTX 760 card, and 5 monitors. Know I miss one free port to connect another display.
If I buy an another GTX 760 will have the ability to connect the monitor fifth Sorround mode?
Now, as I wrote before I attached 4 to one card and the image of the game is displayed at all.

I also have a similar question about the Radeon R9 270 (I have the opportunity to exchange cards)

Author:  ugzz [ 26 Jan 2015, 03:00 ]
Post subject:  Re: GTX 760 SLI 5 monitors.

5 cards on AMD. yep
5 cards on Nvidia, nope.

Nvidia allows a triple setup with the fourth as an extra, but not part of the game.
http://www.geforce.com/whats-new/guides ... surround#1

AMD does allow for 5x setups, actually i believe up to 6 if your card/s have the outputs.
I didnt see a link on the amd site with a quick google but i'm sure one exists.

Author:  QszR [ 26 Jan 2015, 08:07 ]
Post subject:  Re: GTX 760 SLI 5 monitors.

The idea is that a single nvidia gtx760 , displayed an image of the game on the 4 monitors surround , not to the manufacturer (4 Monitor Accessory )
Hence my question. If so I did it if you can tie- 5 second monitor to the graphics card and run surround 5x1

Author:  ugzz [ 28 Jan 2015, 19:27 ]
Post subject:  Re: GTX 760 SLI 5 monitors.

Looks like i was wrong, Nvidia is now supporting 4 and 5 monitor setups.
I can't see anything on the main nvidia page about it, but some folks here have made a thread:
http://www.wsgf.org/forums/viewtopic.ph ... 1&start=10

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