Widescreen Gaming Forum

Help setting up 3 monitor surround Alienware 17R3 laptop
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Author:  DrivingCrazy24 [ 06 Sep 2016, 11:19 ]
Post subject:  Help setting up 3 monitor surround Alienware 17R3 laptop

Hi I am trying to set up a three monitor system to work with surround. The problem is my gtx980m only has one HDMI port and that's it.. If I get a HDMI splitter will that just duplicate the one screen? I tried a Usb to HDMI but when I hook that up it wont even open Navidia control panel.. I do have a thunder bolt port but I dont think it is connected to the graphics card, so not sure if i can do it that way either.. Any help would be appreciated!
My system:
Alienware 17 R3 model P43F
Intel i7-6820HK
Gtx 980m

I apologize if this is not posted in the correct group, Im new to the community if mods could redirect it would be appreciated

Author:  Haldi [ 06 Sep 2016, 12:17 ]
Post subject:  Re: Help setting up 3 monitor surround

I guess the Forum is partially correct. You might want to add "on a Laptop" in your thread Title for faster understanding of the topic / attracting more specific Users.

Sadly I don't know much about nVidia, even less about Mobile GPUs.

If you had a Display port MultiStream would work. But this technology doesn't work on HDMI.

Maybe with a DualHead ?
http://www.matrox.com/graphics/en/produ ... igital_se/

P.S an USB Display will never work as youre not using your GPU for these devices but the graphics render inside the Monitor. So technologies like AMD Eyefinity or nVidia Surround are not available.

Author:  DrivingCrazy24 [ 06 Sep 2016, 18:21 ]
Post subject:  Re: Help setting up 3 monitor surround Alienware 17R3 laptop

OK Thanks Haldi. I think what Im gathering from other boards is the only way I can do it would be a desktop card through the Alienware graphics amp.

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