Widescreen Gaming Forum

2 Dell 22" on side and 1 LG 29" Ultra Wide
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Author:  contra1971 [ 30 Jul 2017, 16:33 ]
Post subject:  2 Dell 22" on side and 1 LG 29" Ultra Wide

like the title says, this is my set up
it works in surround physX well
but my resolution is that of 3-22" monitors


but it should be

I assume this the best that can be achieved unless I get two more ultra wide screen monitors
with 2560X1080?

the reason I don't LOVE it is because my "main" monitor (center monitor)
is cableable of more and runs at a lesser resolution
and it is NOT native and kinda gives the head ache...lol
I created a custom resolution of 6400X1080
and WINDOWS even recommends it...
but it wont accept it in surround gaming

anyone know of a solution?

Author:  Haldi [ 31 Jul 2017, 13:12 ]
Post subject:  Re: 2 Dell 22" on side and 1 LG 29" Ultra Wide

Hi. Nvidia doesnt Support Mixed Resolution or Mixed aspectratio in Surround.

Running 16:9 | 21:9 | 16:9 only works with AMD Eyefinity at the moment.


Author:  Jerry [ 21 Oct 2017, 10:08 ]
Post subject:  Re: 2 Dell 22" on side and 1 LG 29" Ultra Wide

And for that same reason pass me to Amd. Apart from the nonsense that at first with surround you should have the 3 monitors practically the same.
Thing that nowadays at least they corrected it.

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