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Crysis: rig to play at 30 FPS.
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Author:  coolddueryan07 [ 02 Aug 2008, 17:08 ]
Post subject:  Crysis: rig to play at 30 FPS.

Alright, ive had my current pc for 4 years. While it's satisfying to games like BF2, and COD 4.. my p4 processor can't push the 8600GT any further. I need a new gaming rig and my plan is to run crysis at 30 FPS on very high settings. 25 is my minimum. I found this Rig, and i'd add the ATI 4850.



So will this work? Any advice would be appreciated. Oh and one more thing. My monitor is a 17'', so ill only be playing at 1024x768.

Author:  ViciousXUSMC [ 02 Aug 2008, 21:52 ]
Post subject:  Crysis: rig to play at 30 FPS.

My rig plays Crysis around 30fps all very high in DX9 with a 4850, but in DX10 forget it. (1920x1080)

I actually have dual 4850's and get triple digit fps in any game except Crysis but I just found about a week ago that my FPS is the same in Crysis with just 1 card, Crossfire absolutely does not work in Crysis for me.

The 4850 is a super awesome card tho, but only really its best when you mod the bios like I have to increase the fan speed and overclock the card.

The best computer for your money is one that you build yourself. I am one of the main people on a new forum desktopreview.com we have a section just to help people pick parts and build new systems.

You can see my entire build here: http://forum.desktopreview.com/showthread.php?t=234528

It was $1200 and its totally a really kick but rig.

Author:  MobsterOO7 [ 02 Aug 2008, 22:06 ]
Post subject:  Crysis: rig to play at 30 FPS.

Playing Crysis on "very high" settings is a lofty goal. But if your only going to be playing at a resolution of 1024x768 then I would advise that you take it down a notch to just "high" settings. You'll get a higher framerate and the noticeable difference at your resolution shouldn't be much at all. Besides, even on "normal" settings Crysis looks beautiful.

edit: I know next to nothing about ATi cards. And thinking about it more, pushing "very high" settings on a 1024x768 resolution might still get you decent frames.

Author:  skeeder [ 05 Aug 2008, 01:54 ]
Post subject:  Crysis: rig to play at 30 FPS.

your resolution doesn't require alot of horsepower. A simple computer would do it (by simple I mean standard...heck, probably mine...) I have a 7900GS with 256MB video ram, and I played at 1680x1050, low settings...but I still played...averaged 25fps...
you can easily do that without working very hard for it.

Author:  stenchlord [ 07 Aug 2008, 19:20 ]
Post subject:  Crysis: rig to play at 30 FPS.

For Crysis on High at 1680x1050 with the eye candy you'll find even an 8800GT will struggle but should stick around the 25-30fps mark depending on the amount of action going on.

The computer you've posted isn't one I'd recommend. The CPU is a great CPU, I've currently got one but it only comes with 2GB of RAM and it's using a G31 chipset motherboard... that's like 2-3 generations old currently..

Also buying a prebuilt PC and then adding a graphics card to it isn't something I'd recommend. Considering the prices of the two items you've listed you're looking at spending around $800-$900?

$119.99 - Intel Core 2 Duo E7200 (2.53GHz/45nm/1066FSB/3M)
   $107.99 - Gigabyte GA-EP45-DS3L (P45) Mainboard
   $74.99  - 4GB Kit (2x2048MB) A-DATA PC6400 800MHz DDR2 RAM
   $284.99 - Sapphire 512MB ATI/AMD HD4870
   $84.99  - Western Digital 640GB SATAII 7200RPM 16MB HDD
   $31.99  - Pioneer 215D Black SATA 20x Dual Layer DVDRW
   $69.99  - Coolermaster Centurion 590 Midi-Tower ATX Case
   $144.99 - Corsair HX-620W Modular ATX Power Supply Unit
   Total $919.92

All prices are from Newegg.com

If you want to save money you can downgrade the HD4870 to an HD4850.
The CPU should be good to be overclocked to an easy 3.2GHz-3.4GHz, 4GB of RAM will see you running quite smoothly through Vista (if you have it) and 640GB should give you plenty of room to move. Case will accommodate the rig nicely and the HX-620 will be more than enough to even power two HD4870s in Crossfire (although for that you would need to have a Crossfire board :/)

Author:  Acrobat [ 14 Aug 2008, 23:55 ]
Post subject:  Crysis: rig to play at 30 FPS.

Yeah I agree with stenchlord. Based on what I get with my PC in 1024x768 and at my normal resolution, I think you would achieve it if you got something like an 8800GT, similar, or better. Otherwise I think you might struggle.

If you could build the PC yourself, you would probably get a better PC for around the same price as a pre-built one. That is usually the case.

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