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Kudos to Elpida, new king of RAM it seems.
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Author:  Frag Maniac [ 23 Apr 2009, 00:39 ]
Post subject:  Kudos to Elpida, new king of RAM it seems.

Just a bit of bling o RAMma info on memory. OCZ Blade series and G.Skill Perfect Storm series both have 3 x 2GB kits that are PC3 16000 with timings of 7-8-7-20. They would both max out Gigabyte MBs very high memory standard with no OC. Only catch is they both go for $400+! http://www.newegg.com/Product/Productcompare.aspx?Submit=ENE&N=2010170147%201052528354&srchInDesc=PC3%2016000&bop=And&CompareItemList=N82E16820227407%2CN82E16820231251

I used to think Micron was THE best memory chip manufacturer. Then I found out the above mentioned G.Skill kit uses the made in Japan Elpida memory chips. I also found out Elpida claims to be able to sustain speeds of up to 2.5Ghz with these chips via a process shrink.

Having OCZ Platinum RAM in my current rig of the old DDR 400 variety, I had to call OCZ to see if they're above mentioned Blade series uses the Elpida chips too. Well, they said they don't use Micron anymore, just Elpida.

That says a lot for Elpida, esp since they're fairly new to the game. They started as NEC Hitachi Memory, Inc in 1999 and have only been selling to foreign markets since 2001. They've only been in mass production since 2005.

When more manufactures get interested in using their chips, and they no doubt will given their capabilities, the prices will likely drop considerably. If I could get either of the above kits in the $250 range by year's end, it would be like an Xmas present for me. http://www.elpida.com/en/company/history.html

Author:  Paradigm Shifter [ 25 Apr 2009, 18:16 ]
Post subject:  Kudos to Elpida, new king of RAM it seems.

They can't possibly be worse than Qimonda (urgh... RAM that dies on stock volts...?) so I wish 'em the best. ;)

Author:  Frag Maniac [ 25 Apr 2009, 21:49 ]
Post subject:  Kudos to Elpida, new king of RAM it seems.

I forgot to mention that I am also impressed that Gigabyte has tested several versions of Elpida RAM on their X58 MBs. That shows that they are staying abreast of the most cutting edge modules for high performance gaming, and why wouldn't they be with default memory standards of 2000MHz?

Author:  Paradigm Shifter [ 25 Apr 2009, 22:59 ]
Post subject:  Kudos to Elpida, new king of RAM it seems.

Yeah, Gigabyte seem to have shifted into high-gear when it comes to enthusiast-level kit. :D

I've found their P45 and X58 boards a lot more appealing that the equivalents from Asus and DFI, anyway...

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