Widescreen Gaming Forum

Whats happening to this monitor?
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Author:  Johnny9ball [ 12 Nov 2010, 05:24 ]
Post subject:  Whats happening to this monitor?

I have a problem. LG W3000H A dark Grey vertical smudge/line maybe 15px-20px wide has shown up on the left side of my monitor It is most noticeable on mid tones and nearly invisible on very dark or very bright tones. It seams to get worse as the monitor heats up. Its annoying as all get out when watching movies and gaming.

Also a one pixel vertical line near the center of the monitor when I start it is yellow but it goes away when the monitor heats up.

Is my monitor dieing? Is there any way to fix this Grey smudge of ugliness?

I can still exchange it with LG as it has a 3 year warranty and it was purchased on 2/27/2009, Though shipping would probably be 70-80$ from my end.

Author:  DaFox [ 12 Nov 2010, 05:56 ]
Post subject:  Re: Whats happening to this monitor?

Looks to me like the heat from the back light is causing the plastic(ish) diffusion layers to fold/melt etc.

I would definitely get it replaced.

Author:  Johnny9ball [ 12 Nov 2010, 22:00 ]
Post subject:  Re: Whats happening to this monitor?

Its strange when I first start up the monitor it isn't there. Then as the monitor heats up it becomes more and more visible. So I doubt its physical damage otherwise it would always show up. I know it isn't the graphics card or the cable cause I took a screen shot and its not on the screen shot nor does it move when I change the resolution.

Author:  Tamlin [ 12 Nov 2010, 23:28 ]
Post subject:  Re: Whats happening to this monitor?

Could be coating being ruined by some coffee standing to close or too much pressure between the front cover plate and bezel. Hard to tell. I doubt the monitor is dying based upon this defect though. The yellow pixel is probably just a "lazy pixel" first starting to move after the crystal matrix is charged.

Author:  Johnny9ball [ 13 Nov 2010, 00:37 ]
Post subject:  Re: Whats happening to this monitor?

Its not actually a single yellow pixel its an entire line of vertical yellow pixels that always shows up when I turn the monitor on but disappears as it heats up after about 5 minutes.

I have been monitoring the Grey smudge line and it is changing as the monitor heats and is used. Some Parts of it faded but some parts are darker now after a few hours. It slightly changes shape also but its still there. Strange stuff.

Again when I start the monitor it isn't there like its not there at all then it starts to appear after the monitor heats up. So I doubt its some kind of physical damage. It does not change at all with any pressure I apply on it or around it or on the bezel.

Author:  Tamlin [ 13 Nov 2010, 01:26 ]
Post subject:  Re: Whats happening to this monitor?

I would RMA it. Could be pressure damage on left side caused by heat due to expansion. Could also be a backlight error as Dafox suggested. In any case, this looks like a flaw that can't be calibrated away (perhaps you can reduce it by turning down the backlight, but thats not a fix, but a workaround). I wouldn't spend more time with it and ask for a RMA ticket. Send pictures and description of the error to LG (or the place you RMA it) and let them do the rest. :)

Author:  Johnny9ball [ 13 Nov 2010, 03:01 ]
Post subject:  Re: Whats happening to this monitor?

I will RMA this sucker, I checked LGs website and they will provide a shipping sticker for RMA which is good considering this is like 30Lbs and its huge. I will RMA it and if the replacement sucks for any reason I am going to E-bay it and get a new Dell U3011.

Maybe I will buy a Dell U3011 while its being Rma-ed and E-bay whatever comes back. hehe

A second 30" 2560x1600 would make for fun super desktop space. Though it would eat most of my desktop with 2x 30" on it.

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