kaiboshi wrote:
Perhaps windows+p can switch between them or something. I'm not really sure if this is even possible so any kind of advice or pointers would be greatly appreciated.
With my own AMD7970 I create a eyefinity profile for the 3x1 spanned desktop, with each monitor using the same res 1080p.
I then use windows+p to switch between eyefinity enabled or disabled.
windows+p (duplicate) = switch to eyefinity mode
windows+p (extend) = switch to extended mode
While in extended mode, if your 30inch monitor in the centre is higher resolution than the other 2 this will use the full resolution, however when switching into eyefinity mode, the 30" monitor would run at a reduced resolution matching that of your 2 side monitors.
So in theory thus far no problems... until.. the 30inch monitor is running at a lower resolution, the 30" monitor then scales that image to fill the screen, even if the screen keeps the same aspect ratio as before, the physical size of the display will cause it to be out of alignment with the 2 side displays, eyefinity will work and looking at screenshots would appear correctly, but to you the user it would look a bit odd as an object on one display would be phyicly larger than the next, if this object moves across the display from the 30" to the side monitors, you will notice this size and alignment issue.
Alternatively you could look into using SoftTH that will run all displays at native resolution and thus reduce the object alignment issue between screens, but is unfortunately limited to DX9 and is not a very user friendly tool to work with as it has no .EXE and requires dropping .DLL files into game folders and creating a config file for each game.