*not sure where to put this blurb of a post*
Just a quick posting of my setup for those looking for 3 inexpensive VESA monitors.
I'm sure there are many reviews on this stand and monitors, so I won't bore you, but overall I'm pretty happy with this setup.
As for performance, not bad actually.... I get 60fps constant in CS:GO with (Almost
) full settings, I lowered some AA to raise fps
I get 30-40 with med-high settings in FarCry3. I also lower some GPU intensive tasks such as AA
The only issue I really get is tearing, I CANNOT use any form of Vsync or the screen tears in the lower 1/6th of the center screen
IMG_20150405_053600[1].jpg [ 301.57 KiB | Viewed 1911 times ]
Computer specs:
CPU i7 3820
GPU MSI Twin Frozr 650 ti BOOST
3x ASUS VS229H-P
Ergotech Tripple
https://pcpartpicker.com/user/Mitchymanboy/saved/WvcMnQAny questions? please ask!