Widescreen Gaming Forum

need a new gaming desktop between $800 and $1000
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Author:  Xanol [ 11 Jul 2019, 11:19 ]
Post subject:  need a new gaming desktop between $800 and $1000

Good evening, I'm considering buying a new desktop but I'll need some insight, so any help is appreciated.

A couple of points before proceeding:

1. I sought help one year ago, but ended up buying a refurbished laptop on ebay. It was a wise decision given my needs at the time. However, refurbished desktops aren't really a thing. I've bought a PC from PC Specialist in 2010 or 2011, and after looking around a bit I'm still confident this is the best place to shop.

2. The $1000 doesn't mean I'm willing to just go for anything at that price. What the $800 - $1000 price range means is: given a maximum budget of $800, are there any arrangements above that price which offer much better value and which would make zealously sticking to $800 a bad decision? The further above $800, the greater the percentage increase in performance must be compared to the percentage increase in price. So, although I know the Ryzen 5 1600X is better than a Ryzen 5 1600, is it worth paying the extra? If the increase in performance is equal to the increase in price, then it is NOT worth it (obviously anything below is not worth it either).


- No need for monitor or other external stuff;
- No need for operating system;
- I'm fine with a cheap and slowish hard drive, but the motherboard must have an ssd slot for future upgrades;
- 8GB RAM might be enough, but in that case motherboard needs more than two memory slots. (PC Specialist only offers 4GBx2, not 8GBx1)
- There won't be any upgrades in the future other than ram and ssd, so PSU doesn't need to take into consideration future power intensive upgrades;
- No need for VR or 4K, but graphics card must naturally be powerful enough that it wont drop below 60fps with high settings in most current games (and future proof, for at least 1-2 years, preferably) My current monitor is 1080p 60Hz;

I've been reading around and I do like the Ryzen 5 1600, particularly because a lot of users claim CPU usage to be considerably lower when compared with i5 7500. Is this true?

Hope I didn't complicate things unnecessarily. I'm buying the desktop in late September, early October. Thank you!

Author:  skipclarke [ 16 Jul 2019, 17:17 ]
Post subject:  Re: need a new gaming desktop between $800 and $1000

I want to share with @everyone an issue that has beset the WSGF over the last week or so. Google has decided that the files we host (exe files, patchers, etc.) are malware. Thus, they have flagged the entire WSGF as hosting and/or linking malware, which inhibits site access and search rankings.

Both the WSGF and our older media server (WSGF Media dot com) have been flagged. We have found a solution for our hosted files, via our friends at PC Gaming Wiki. However, we still have an issue with the forums linking to the old WSGF Media server.

There is no feasible way to go through the forums and edit the possible thousands of posts that reference the WSGF Media server. And there is absolutely no guarantee that Google won't ping some future post attachment and flag the entire site again.

The forums are much quieter today then they used to be, with just 1 or 2 active posts per day on average, on top of this we continue to have issues with bots or humans creating accounts to post spam. Additionally, the forums have hampered our ability to enable HTTPS and update the site to be more modern and mobile friendly.

The internet itself has also shifted, with sites like Reddit and services like Discord, YouTube and Twitch being where most discussion happens. Given all of the above we are exploring the idea of "archiving" the forums into their own domain so that everything could be read, but no new posts or accounts could be created. We would then direct all new discussion to a Reddit community and/or our Discord server, which we hope will make discussing and working on fixes more practical.

We are really at a crossroads where the forums have gone from being a minor or moderate inhibitor to growth of the WSGF, to now a major roadblock (thanks to Google). We need a road forward, and wanted to reach out to the community to socialize the issue and our ideas, and to get your feedback.

I'd love to hear your feedback in our Discord Server - https://discord.gg/FcVYWgh

Author:  Haldi [ 26 Jul 2019, 20:25 ]
Post subject:  Re: need a new gaming desktop between $800 and $1000

I'd Recommend a Ryzen 3600 with 16GB RAM and a Radeon 5700 or Nvidia RTX 2060.
With a cheap 512gb SSD you should be around 800£

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