Widescreen Gaming Forum

[-noun] Web community dedicated to ensuring PC games run properly on your tablet, netbook, personal computer, HDTV and multi-monitor gaming rig.
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PostPosted: 18 Apr 2015, 08:13 

Joined: 21 Oct 2014, 23:33
Posts: 291
Complex setup, but easy PLP once done. Game renders well, including all videos, menus & gun reticles. But galaxy map is a challenge.

(armed view, PLP screenshot with bezel effect)

1. In-game fullscreen & play to safe place, save, quit.
2. Edit %USERPROFILE%\Documents\BioWare\Mass Effect 2\BIOGame\Config\GamerSettings.ini. ResX & ResY= your base PLP resolution.
3. SoftTH (DX9 x86, in Binaries folder).
4. Flawless Widescreen (FWS) Fix: load game plugin. Checkmark only these: Enable, In-Game FOV, Cinematics FOV, HUD Scaling. Leave FOV 0. Then quit & do FWS Hardcode Fix *.
5. Start FWS, play game. If FOV needs adjustment, use FWS FOV scrollbar.

(hammerhead ship view)

(unarmed view)

(aim view, common)

1. Galaxy Map is bit wonky & more challenging than single-screen; but very usable (similar to LLL).
A. Text labels are offset to the right (by amount of left screen's width), & are also often cropped on right (by same amount).
B. Locations' names are easily confirmed when you're near by clicking Enter Orbit.
C. Related notes:
i Print navigation aid: whole galaxy map with missions. http://guides.gamepressure.com/masseffect2/guide.asp?ID=9211 .
ii. If lost, turn off FWS HUD Scaling & jot down map's name arrangement, then FWS back on (game restarts req'd).
iii. Once you enter a System in a Nebula, fuel won't decrease. Freely Enter Orbits for names & mining.
2. * FWS Hardcode Fix:
A. Backup & edit (Notepad) \PluginCache\FWS_Plugins\ Modules\MassEffect2\ Dependencies\Scripts\MassEffect2.lua.
B. Must offset FOV (increases it to ~proper). Make fDefaultAspectRatio = 0.727.
C. Must fix menu, using your single-screen details (####, e.g. 800, 1920 & 1080).
i. Replace these three strings with your values: Variables["HUDLeft"]:ReadInt() Variables["HUDWidth"]:ReadInt() Variables["HUDHeight"]:ReadInt() .
ii. Replace these three strings, again same single-screen values: DisplayInfo:GetiOffsetX(0) DisplayInfo:GetiOffsetWidth(0,0) DisplayInfo:GetiOffsetHeight(0,0) .
D. Save & backup edited lua file (if FOV ever reverts, paste your file back in).

(aim view, sniper rifle)

(All menus perfect. E.g. Weapons Locker)

(galaxy map, with HUD Scaling & offset labels)

(galaxy map, no HUD Scaling, 1080p)

(nebula map, with HUD Scaling & offset labels)

(nebula map, no HUD Scaling)

(system map, with HUD Scaling & offset labels)

(system map, no HUD Scaling)

View guide for general help with the instructions.


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