Widescreen Gaming Forum

Pathfinder MMO Kickstarter
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Author:  skipclarke [ 14 Jan 2013, 20:47 ]
Post subject:  Pathfinder MMO Kickstarter

I should have mentioned this much earlier, but I wanted to share with everyone the Pathfinder MMO Kickstarter. The game is being developed by Goblinworks, based on the Pathfinder rule set and game world. Pathfinder was created by Paizo publishing, and is considered by many to be "D&D 3.75e".

I'm a big fan of Paizo, and the Pathfinder rules. In addition to this great foundation, Goblinworks announced that Pathfinder MMO will be built on the Unity 3D engine. Based on our experience, the Unity 3D engine has excellent support for AMD Eyefinity and NVIDIA Surround.

If you're into "old school" roleplpaying, indie devs, MMOs, sandbox games, Eyefinity or Surround, then give the Kickstarter a look.

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