The game supports ultrawide resolutions but the FOV is Vert-, similar to some other UE4 games. I made a trainer that sets the 2560x1080 FOV to match the 1920x1080 value (default in the trainer) and also allows to decrease and increase the FOV at will. It's only been tested on my PC so I can't guarantee it will work, but you can give it a go and let me know if it does anything for you:
Downloaded 342 times
Make sure to run it
after you've launched the game.
Keep in mind that this is a multiplayer game, so memory hacking is potentially bannable. As of now, the game doesn't appear to be VAC or EAC-supported. The store page says there are anti-cheating measures in place but I haven't had any issues in my 11 hours of gaming as of August 22, 2018.
September update: BattleEye was added to the game, so I can no longer say changing the FOV is not bannable, but the game can hardly get over 50 concurrent players online anyway.
File comment: 1920x1080
20180815060759_1.jpg [ 528.64 KiB | Viewed 3466 times ]
File comment: 2560x1080 base FOV
20180815060752_1.jpg [ 651.32 KiB | Viewed 3462 times ]
File comment: 2560x1080 adjusted FOV
20180815060837_1.jpg [ 675.74 KiB | Viewed 3462 times ]