Widescreen Gaming Forum

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PostPosted: 16 May 2016, 16:57 

Joined: 25 Sep 2015, 07:05
Posts: 8
We need Backup:

https://www.homefront-game.com/forum/in ... -pc.14226/


PostPosted: 17 May 2016, 01:25 
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Joined: 11 Jun 2014, 02:54
Posts: 76
oldsql wrote:

What a damn travesty. I cant recall a game using CryEngine that doesn't have support for ultrawide. Next they'll say they ripped out all the proper AA and left FXAA only. I have not Pre-Ordered a game since Colonial Marines burnt everyone. This I saw for half off and actually bought thinking; "Proper aspect Ratio correction is inherent in CryEngine and something Crytek has always made a sticking point in previews and tech demonstrations. Since they actually developed the first part of this game then handed it off there will be no way it's absent." Do I ever feel foolish now. Even if they didn't add support this can't be a hard fix. Unless they locked all the cvars and hardcoded a resolution limit this has to be fixable. I am actually devastated Almost every game I've bought or was looking forward to lately is trashed in some way. I've got blood clots in my leg that went up in my lungs (Pulmonary embolism) and almost departed the world of the living. All I wanted to do was enjoy myself for a moment finally. F**k this is getting irritating. I can't remember having this much trouble in 2006. I guess ll I can do is weigh in over at the forum.

PostPosted: 18 May 2016, 08:17 
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Joined: 26 Feb 2016, 07:54
Posts: 25
Well dis tells a different story, Homefront: The Revolution supports 21:9
I'm only here for PC port of Timesplitters 2 in 21:9 athough

http://steamcommunity.com/app/223100/di ... 3111686791

PostPosted: 19 May 2016, 09:28 

Joined: 24 Jul 2012, 15:54
Posts: 54
Just wanted to add it also supports 5760x1080, FOV is limited to 40-65 (haven't checked for editable cfg files).
Unfortunately weapon/store menus do not show up for me at 5760x1080, temp switching to 1920x1080 works.

Also rebinding keys only half works; say you rebind x to something other then weapon customize, it will still open weapon as well as what you changed it to. You can only have one key for each action.

Edit: There is a cfg file located at %USERPROFILE%\Saved Games\homefront2 that allows you to change the FOV (65 130).

I was hoping to be able to manually edit the key bindings, but I see they seem to be encrypted.


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