Widescreen Gaming Forum

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PostPosted: 16 Sep 2016, 03:15 
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Joined: 18 Nov 2015, 05:24
Posts: 25
The remastered Bioshock is out and it does not natively support ultrawide out of the options menu. Undeterred I started digging around in the config file and made it work.

The config file is located at %APPDATA%\BioshockHD\Bioshock\ (thanks PCGamingWiki)

In the config file I changed the following values to my resolution.

I also changed HorizontalFOVLock=False in several places. I am unsure if this helped but it sounded like it would. Once some of the more experienced members take a look I'm sure someone can confirm whether this is actually effective.
UPDATE: Don't do this it's bad and zooms in the camera.

There's also an FOVAngleDegrees, but increasing it zoomed in the image a lot so we seem to be stuck with 75 for the moment.
UPDATE: PC Gaming Wiki has figured out a way to increase the FOV with an INI edit.

Before editing config file:
20160915185523_1.jpg [ 480.05 KiB | Viewed 20073 times ]

After editing config file:
20160915185441_1.jpg [ 536.11 KiB | Viewed 20059 times ]


PostPosted: 16 Oct 2016, 02:07 

Joined: 25 Nov 2006, 04:14
Posts: 54
Sadly the original version is better than the "remaster" in every respect. I recommend giving that version a go!

PostPosted: 23 Oct 2016, 09:52 
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Joined: 12 Sep 2007, 19:14
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Considering the original game launched with famously botched widescreen support, it is a little sad to see that the remaster still can't get things correct on day one.

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PostPosted: 23 Oct 2016, 13:24 
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Joined: 07 Feb 2006, 03:46
Posts: 59
I'm very forgiving when it comes to flaws and shortcomings in games. I'm usually the person who will enjoy a game and give it a good review, despite its blemishes, even when most other players heap criticism and scorn. However, even I was surprised at how perfunctory and slipshod the remastered version was. I still gave it a positive review and was grateful that it was free.

PostPosted: 21 Dec 2016, 20:59 
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Joined: 17 Mar 2016, 16:41
Posts: 6
At last they've fixed bioshock 1 and 2 works perfect in surround know

PostPosted: 10 Jun 2018, 18:36 

Joined: 10 Jun 2018, 18:34
Posts: 1
I'm playing Bioshock remastered which has native 3440x1440 support now.

But the problem is the HUD stays in the middle of the screen and also the black bars come in in the middle during cinematic moments..

Is there some patch or file editing that can fix this? Feel like both should be pretty easy fixes for someone who knows what they're doing.

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