Widescreen Gaming Forum

[-noun] Web community dedicated to ensuring PC games run properly on your tablet, netbook, personal computer, HDTV and multi-monitor gaming rig.
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 Post subject: Please help my poor soul
PostPosted: 23 Feb 2017, 03:53 

Joined: 23 Feb 2017, 03:26
Posts: 2
So, I just got my new 21:9 monitor today (yaaay), and I know that not all games support 21:9, but I also know that there are programs to fix that, but they didn't work for me. I tried using flawless widescreen but basically nothing happened to the game, meaning it still had those weird black bars, and yes I changed the settings, and the game was compatible with the program. Then I tried using widescreen fixer, but it also didn't work. Is there a way to make these programs work? I tried looking everywhere but found nothing. And if there isn't a way to make the programs work, can someone tell me how to change the INI files? And also what to change, because it's all confusing to me.

Ps: This is my first post :D


PostPosted: 23 Feb 2017, 12:05 
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Joined: 06 Mar 2008, 17:20
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Sometimes games get patched and Flawless/Fixer plugins stop working. There's no universal method anyway. Don't be shy, tell us precisely which games you're trying to fix...

PostPosted: 23 Feb 2017, 19:22 

Joined: 23 Feb 2017, 03:26
Posts: 2
scavvenjahh wrote:
Sometimes games get patched and Flawless/Fixer plugins stop working. There's no universal method anyway. Don't be shy, tell us precisely which games you're trying to fix...

I tried to fix Mass Effect 2 and 3 :)

PostPosted: 24 Feb 2017, 11:15 
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Joined: 06 Mar 2008, 17:20
Posts: 3424
OK! These games are Vert-, not "anamorphic" - so if you're seeing black bars during gameplay then the game is probably running in 16:9.
ME2 doesn't support 21:9 resolutions natively, you need to open %USERPROFILE%\Documents\BioWare\Mass Effect 2\BIOGame\Config\GamerSettings.ini and edit ResX= and ResY= to match your native res.
If the res is right, the fix is active and you still get "weird black bars" please post a screenshot.

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