Widescreen Gaming Forum

theHunter Call of the Wild
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Author:  stra1 [ 19 Feb 2017, 11:37 ]
Post subject:  theHunter Call of the Wild

theHunter Call of the Wild please fix game resolution my monitor 3440 x 1440 thank you

Author:  b0n3z [ 20 Feb 2017, 19:53 ]
Post subject:  Re: theHunter Call of the Wild

Hello stra1,

Ok - your avatar is freaking me out. Kinda hard to concentrate and give you a suggestion with that creepy thing looking at me, but here goes.

The game engine looks to be using Apex Avalanche Open World. I believe Just Cause and Mad Max also used this same engine. So I would try and look for solutions used in those games and try it for this game. It may require some translation for this game, but it might just work.

You may want to also explain what the problem and show a screen shot.


stra1 wrote:
theHunter Call of the Wild please fix game resolution my monitor 3440 x 1440 thank you

Author:  stra1 [ 23 Feb 2017, 00:35 ]
Post subject:  Re: theHunter Call of the Wild

Hi b0n3z,

thanks for answering me.

i'm sorry for the avatar scaring you, i have to say that it's my real face. Years and years playing videogames reduced me like that...

Here are the screenshots u asked for



As you can see, i have some problems with the 3440x1440 resolution(mine is a 16:9 wide monitor and that's its native resolution). The resolution "cuts" the HUD. So i'm forced to use the 2560x1440 resolution, as you can see in the second screenshot. I would like to find a fix to make the HUD suit in the 3440x1440 resolution.

Author:  scavvenjahh [ 23 Feb 2017, 12:09 ]
Post subject:  Re: theHunter Call of the Wild

I have the exact same face. b0n3z's fedora and popped collar are much scarier imho.

This is the same engine as Just Cause 3, right ? Are there any other games using this engine that also require a HUD fix ?

Author:  Nickola_FR [ 24 Feb 2017, 07:35 ]
Post subject:  Re: theHunter Call of the Wild

If it is possible, can the fix support surround display (triple screen) ?
If i remember well (not played the game during the week) in surround, the HUD is juste visible at all...


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