Widescreen Gaming Forum

Skyrim Won't Display in Ultrawide
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Author:  fdjw88 [ 09 Feb 2019, 03:36 ]
Post subject:  Skyrim Won't Display in Ultrawide

Hello All

I'm relatively new to the forum, so please forgive me if I made any posting mistakes.

My computer spec is:
AMD Ryzen 2700X
GTX 1080 ti
16GB of DDR4 RAM
3440x1440 monitor

the problem I keep running into is that my skyrim always open itself in a very small 800x600 window, and there is no way for me to enlarge the window nor make it full screen. in the skyrim launcher, i set the game to launch at 1920x1080 window mode, but the game's display at launch ignore all commands inside the game launcher, and keep launching itself into this 800x600 window.

i have tried many different methods and none work so far.

1. i downloaded flawless widescreen, i opened skyrim while flawless is active, nothing worked, the game still launched into that tiny window.
2. i tried to change both ini files inside the my document folder and the one inside the steam folder. i change the resolution input in the ini files to fit the resolution of my screen, the game still launched into that tiny window
3. i have tried steam advance launch command, didn't work, the game launched into that tiny window
4. i went on to nexus mod manager, and downloaded try9's ultrawide fix for skyrim, that also didn't work. i launched skyrim while the mod manager is active, the game launched into that tiny window.
5. enter+alt tried that too, didn't work

i am very confused because i have never seen a game launches itself while ignoring all commands from the game launcher, and the game's ini files. there has to be a line of code somewhere that is allowing the game to do sth like this.

note: i also have some old games on my computer that works perfectly well on ultrawide. for example, Team Fortress, published in 2007, works smoothly on my ultrawide monitor without the need to download any mods. Anno 2070, published in 2011, works perfectly. GTA 5 published in 2013, works perfectly. Saints Row 4, another game released in 2013, works perfectly. i'm confused.

please help!

Author:  susahamat [ 09 Feb 2019, 13:54 ]
Post subject:  Re: Skyrim Won't Display in Ultrawide

are you tried with this https://github.com/dlrudie/WidescreenFi ... g/Original and try another method http://www.wsgf.org/dr/elder-scrolls-v-skyrim/en

Author:  fdjw88 [ 09 Feb 2019, 20:06 ]
Post subject:  Re: Skyrim Won't Display in Ultrawide

susahamat wrote:

nope they didn't work

Author:  susahamat [ 10 Feb 2019, 12:13 ]
Post subject:  Re: Skyrim Won't Display in Ultrawide

SkyrimPrefs.ini set to read-only after edited ???

Author:  Mixelplix [ 11 Feb 2019, 03:44 ]
Post subject:  Re: Skyrim Won't Display in Ultrawide

I have been playing and modding skyrim classic (oldrim is slang name for it) for years now at 6040 x 1080. Oldrim works with flawless widescreen, but not special edition. There is a mod out there for SE that does allow for 5760 x 1080 you mentioned above, but I couldnt get SKSE to work for it. Anyway here are my tips to get started:

in skyrimprefs.ini - under [Display] set iSize H=1080
iSize W=6040 (use whatver your bezel compensated resolution is here of coarse)

in enblocal.ini (should be in your main skyrim file where TESV.exe is located) - set [WINDOW]

Do not use NMN Organizer it sux. Only Mod with Mod Organizer. Links to get started on modding that are really helpful

Start with This!!!!!!!!
https://www.reddit.com/r/skyrimmods/wik ... ners_guide

Many Great Mods that are hard to live without

These STEP project pages:

Start there. The mod OneTweak will take over duty for fullscreening ultrawide once you have MO working

Message me if you have any questions, but I swear that beginners guide will easily get you stated with no fuss. If you get into modding, it has a steep learning curve, but is so awesome once you do.

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