I speak russian 8)
basicaly he says to download the pre-edited Coalesced.ini
with it its possible to change the fov with the numpad keys
Numpad 0 - 70 (default fov)
Numpad 1 - 80
Numpad 2 - 90
Numpad 3 - 100
Numpad 4 - 110
Numpad 5 - 120
Numpad 6 - 130
Numpad 7 - 140
Numpad 8 - 150
Numpad 9 - 160
further down are comments and suggestions from bbbk:
if you set TEXTUREGROUP_Character_Spec=(MinLODSize=32,MaxLODSize=512,LODBias=0), in the [SystemSettings] part, this will lead to artifacts in dialogues with the default fov : faces will become brown and you have to increase fov.
So its better to use MaxLODSize=256, this way you can zoom in and out the faces by changing the fov 40-90 in the dialogues sections without getting any artifacts.
Increasing MaxLODSize can lead to many other graphical artifacts.
for changing the fov on the fly in the map, planet scan interface, dialogues, and while moving you also have to add the following values to the [SFXGame.SFXGameModeBase] section:
Bindings=( Name="BackSpace", Command="fov 55" )
Bindings=( Name="End", Command="fov 15" )
Bindings=( Name="Home", Command="fov 10" )
Bindings=( Name="Insert", Command="fov 30" )
Bindings=( Name="Delete", Command="fov 20" )
Bindings=( Name="NumPadZero", Command="fov 0" )
Bindings=( Name="NumPadOne", Command="fov 40" )
Bindings=( Name="NumPadTwo", Command="fov 50" )
Bindings=( Name="NumPadThree", Command="fov 60" )
Bindings=( Name="NumPadFour", Command="fov 70" )
Bindings=( Name="NumPadFive", Command="fov 75" )
Bindings=( Name="NumPadSix", Command="fov 80" )
Bindings=( Name="NumPadSeven", Command="fov 85" )
Bindings=( Name="NumPadEight", Command="fov 90" )
Bindings=( Name="NumPadNine", Command="fov 95" )
Bindings=( Name="Divide", Command="fov 100" ) ; key "NumPad /"
Bindings=( Name="Multiply", Command="fov 105" ) ; key "NumPad *"
Bindings=( Name="Subtract", Command="fov 110" ) ; key "NumPad -"
Bindings=( Name="Add", Command="fov 115" ) ; key "NumPad +"
this way you can increase or decrease the fov with a single key on the fly for different sections of the game.
You don't need to write it to the [SFXGame.SFXGameModeDefault] section after the lines Bindings=( Name="LeftShift", Command="PC_EnterCommandMenu" )
it's really disappointing that bioware won't fix this