I have them compiling now, but I'm still working on figuring out how to
use my powers for the good of mankind resize things properly.
Here's how to get them to compile:
- Go download this 1.5GB monstrosity: http://www.udk.com/download (You need all of about a couple megs of it in the end...)
- Load up the decompiled InterfaceMod folder as a project in Flash Pro
- Open one of the .fla files (I've been testing with startmenu.fla since it's the first thing to come up)
- Edit the publish settings for the .fla file so that it publishes the .swf as Flash Player 8 and AS 2.0
- Click "Settings" next to the ActionScript 2.0 dropdown in the Publish Settings config and add the CLIK classpath as the FIRST classpath in the list. (CLIK is the Scaleform stuff you downloaded along with the Unreal Engine crap in the 1.5GB download above. For example, my first classpath is "E:UDKUDK-2011-10DevelopmentFlashCLIK")
- Give publishing a try
One issue is that the .fla file is supposed to embed the font used in the menu, and I don't happen to have that font installed. I'll be tracking those down at some point (I think it's just Futura).
Once you get through all that, you can get all goofy and move the logo around and pretend you're funny by putting "LOL" over everything. Oh, and I suppose this opens things up for the masochists who want to start creating interface mods...