[quote][quote]New Changes: (31/07/2012)
- Updated Skyrim for v1.7.7.0
- Updated Orcs Must Die 2 for Full Version
Also: I hear you on Inversion Sh4dowKing - it must be a issue with non 16:9 (eg. 5760x1080) based resolutions.... as it's working for valcan_s? Can't promise I'll get to it tonight however.
Yes iam playing on 16:10 with a res of 5040x1050 so that is the issue maybe you can make a fix for other aspect rations if you have time.
Find line 404 in (assuming default install) in "C:Program Files (x86)Flawless WidescreenPluginCacheFWS_PluginsInversionDependenciesScriptsInversion_UI.lua" - Open it in something like Notepad++ otherwise it will look like a big pile of text with no carrage returns.
Change "HUDFix:GetSubOffset("ValHUDLeft"):WriteInt(DisplayInfo:GetiOffsetX(0))" to "HUDFix:GetSubOffset("ValHUDLeft"):WriteInt( (DisplayInfo:GetWidth()/2) - (1920 /2) )"
And tell me if that fixes or alleviates the problem.... otherwise you can change to a static value, eg. "HUDFix:GetSubOffset("ValHUDLeft"):WriteInt( 1800 )"
It would be nice to know what the value is that "looks right"
Wow thank you hayden. I have followed your steps and i got it working. The first value "HUDFix:GetSubOffset("ValHUDLeft"):WriteInt( (DisplayInfo:GetWidth()/2) - (1920 /2) )" did it. the HUD is centered now.
The second value "HUDFix:GetSubOffset("ValHUDLeft"):WriteInt( 1800 )" brings it more to the right ( more then it was). So iam happy that its solved now and iam thankfull for your time! :D