FYI, I am getting some strange results with the HUD centering.
My setup:
20x30x20 PLP (using SoftTh)
20" left = 1200x1600
30" center = 2560x1600
20" Right = 1200x1600
200 pixel bezel compensation on both sides
Total resolution = 5360x1600
When I don't use the centered HUD option, the rank progress bar spans the full bottom length, and is actually fine for me. However the cut scenes are bad with only seeing the mid section of the characters, and the character select menu is the same, only see the mid section:
When i enable the centered HUD fix, this is what I get:
1) Character select screen: Seems like the main window is stretched, and the ribbon on the right is slightly off the top. no biggie really
In game the HUD is offset to the right
The cut scenes seem to not be able to handle the bezel compensation correctly
My request (if at all possible) would be if you could separate the cut scene fix from the centered HUD? This way I could use the full 3 screen spanning hud which centers itself, and also get the cut scenes to be visible.
im not sure on the cut scenes and character select if there is some tweek I should do given my PLP and SoftTh that would get rid of the stretching or bezel compensation. But something tels me that it has to do with the different resolution on the sides vs the center screen.
As always bro, you work is appreciated, and any help you can give would be great!