Nevermind the fact that it is happening even with 4:3 monitors and you won't focus on your sidescreens as much, is this even acknowledged as a problem (even though it may be tolerated) or is it really considered "the way it's meant to be!"?
Is there a way I can decrease the effect somewhat?
It is the way of it. The eye does this natuarly, the mind compensates and you don't "see" it.
..and it does look odd when we see it for real in the side monitors. BUT yer not supposed to "look" directly at them, so quit peekin. heh
Periferal(sp?) vision. Is just as tough to descibe as the "blind spot", low and off center, in our eyes. Our nerves run ON TOP of the light sensors in our eyes. And there is this one spot they all come together and head into the brain in a big bundle. There are -no- light sensors there. The -mind- fills it in with what it "thinks should be there". Some years ago I came across a vid' on youtube that showed it as an optical illusion. (A quick peek to see if I can find it..)
Vanishing head illusion hahah.. its simple and brilliant!!!
..wonders of the internet, eh!
You need to get pretty close, a foot or less depending glasses ..etc.