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PostPosted: 06 May 2013, 08:28 

Joined: 30 Apr 2013, 03:44
Posts: 16
BHawthorne wrote:
Will NVIDIA 3D Vision work with 2x 1280x720 (2560x720) and the MV103? I'm needing a dual display 3D Vision solution for 2x 1280x720.

So 2 years on is there a solution to make BHawthornes rig a possibility?


PostPosted: 06 May 2013, 09:04 

Joined: 30 May 2011, 18:17
Posts: 62
I think he managed to get it working by using an extra port on one of the PJ's to make it think there were 3 PJ's. Although I'm not exactly sure that's what this topic is about.

PostPosted: 26 May 2013, 06:52 
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Joined: 06 May 2006, 12:46
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Initially I did fake a third port out, but then I used the MViewer box to do dual-projector with NVIDIA 3D Vision. The box costs more than I'd like considering driver level spanning that is available today, but it seems to be the only option that I can find for 120hz 2560x800 spanning on Nvidia.

What I've not seen but would be interested in seeing is someone pick up one of the Zotac DisplayPort to Dual HDMI active adapters and see if they'll lock a 2560x800 120hz span. If so, that would be your solution. I have the adapter, but no Nvidia card at the moment. I've been 7970 for about a year now.

Brad Hawthorne
Product Manager
Nthusim Pty. Ltd. | www.nthusim.com

PostPosted: 30 May 2013, 09:21 

Joined: 16 Oct 2012, 12:25
Posts: 25
BHawthorne wrote:
I can confirm that 3DVS is limited to only three-displays. On the nVidia side of things, 2 display would require Matrox DH2G Digital use.

I believe you can use 2 displays/projectors on a nvidia card with this --

http://www.zotacusa.com/zotac-displaypo ... aptor.html


edit -- seems like you mentioned it in the above post (not reading here :)

Here is someone demoing it out -- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TQUmwNnIZQk

Also, according to this thread, native support with the drivers coming soon

-- https://forums.geforce.com/default/topi ... 9/#3796149

PostPosted: 30 May 2013, 10:58 
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Joined: 06 May 2006, 12:46
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When I get the chance to I'll try to lock 120hz using one of the Zotac dual HDMI active adaptors. When they first came out I picked up 3 of them. I had this crazy idea to eventually get 6 of them and have the capability of doing 12x1P on my old 5870 E6 cards. I guess I like to dream big. *chuckle* I sold off those cards to fund my current 7970 Matrix Platinum card though.

Brad Hawthorne
Product Manager
Nthusim Pty. Ltd. | www.nthusim.com

PostPosted: 16 Nov 2013, 19:12 

Joined: 16 Nov 2013, 18:26
Posts: 1
Hello, any news on this? After weeks of searching I find that this thread seems to be the only one providing the nearest solution to what I'm looking for the solution for, which is the same as the title, however not necessarily from one card. I want to build a 120 degree curved screen (as I don't have space for 180), and I want to use two 3D projectors with edge blending (as it is less costly than three) and I want a large enough screen to make it an immersive experience (height 120 cm/width about 420 cm in 16:9). There are certain things I don't understand that are discussed here and in other forums, so I hope I can get the answers here:

1. I understand that the Matrox DualHead unit is not an option for splitting one port on the graphics card to two projectors, as it will not manage 120HZ 3D, but the MViewer MV103 unit will (and seems to be the only one on the market?). What I don't understand here is: The newer graphics cards have up to three ports out, so why would you need to split one port when you can connect two or three projectors directly into the card? Is it because two projectors aren't supported, so you must use one port to make the card think that you use one projector? If so, will this eliminate the option of running a SLI with two cards in a dual projector case?

2. The Zotac Displayport adapter that is mentioned here, is it simply doing the same as the DualHead/MViewer MV103, but it is unknown if it will manage 120HZ 3D?

3. I'm also thinking of using two Benq 1080ST projectors. All or most of the officially 3D Vision supported projectors seems to be discontinued, so I read that you must fool the 3D Vision into thinking that you use a supported projectors if you choose a 1080ST. Right?

4. Edge blending: I read that the $300 MViewer MV103 does not support this, but the $2000 Mp102-102 is. Can I instead use Warpalizer for edge blending with the MV103?

I hope these questions aren't to stupid for you who are into the technology behind 3D gaming!

PostPosted: 01 Dec 2013, 13:16 
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Joined: 06 May 2006, 12:46
Posts: 1640
I apologize for my delay in answering.

1. Correct, DH2G is incapable of 120hz span modes. The MViewer MV103 can but it will have a bit of pixel noise. At least my demo unit did. Why you need to split it out with a hardware solution is because Nvidia doesn't accommodate users with a dual display span mode. Nvidia Surround has never been very accommodating as far as span mode. It's been three displays or nothing. This is why I've been using AMD as my primary gaming video card since around 2011 because AMD can do 2x1, 3x1, 4x1, 5x1, 6x1, 2x2 and 3x2 span modes depending upon port count available.

2. Correct, what the DH2G, Zotac adaptor and the MView all do is hardware spanning.

3. My information on Nvidia 3D Vision is archaic. the last time I did 3D Vision was early 2012. I've since then sold off my GTX470 cards so I have no way of testing accurately Nvidia options with current drivers. I'm going off of almost 2 year old recollection. If anyone on the internet wanted to send me a Nvidia card so I can help people with projector questions related to Nvidia I wouldn't turn them down, but I also don't expect anyone would be that generous either.

4. I see no merit in hardware edge blending. The price point simply does not merit humoring it. I can always help you with Nthusim configuration should you need assistance with edge blending.

If you have any direct questions I'm always available on the Nthusim site 24/7. I only check in around here about once a week anymore, because of the hostile marketing atmosphere around here driving me away. All I can say is there are those that help others, then there are those that advertise. ;)


Brad Hawthorne
Product Manager
Nthusim Pty. Ltd. | www.nthusim.com

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