Flawless Widescreen is not working atm. (HD7970-- Eyefinitiy-- 5040x1050)
Memory hack error- "Failed to read process memory at 0x140762004." code 299.
Another game to throw in the pile of "not working", along with Metalgear rising.
Hayden said MGR problem was due to AMD changing it's API (or something like that) and at that time (about a month ago) he said he no longer has an AMD card, so sounds like it may never get fixed. Hope that's not the case here
Dark times for team-red. --copy pasted from other post--
Okay, spoke with Hayden. Managed to figure out that AMD-CCC is not "returning the correct details about screens when you query them". ie- it reports 2 monitors when you have 3. This means you will have to set the screen details manually, which will fix my aforementioned problem from a couple of months ago.
To do so in Flawless Widescreen--
Settings/Configuration/Display Detection/ Override Display Detection (Manual). Then you enter the Total Width and Height for the array, then where the hud should be (which will be the same as the resolution of the single monitor in the center.)
Bam! It works again for team red.