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PostPosted: 22 Sep 2015, 02:18 

Joined: 21 Oct 2014, 23:48
Posts: 52
Game spreads well, FOV looks proper. Weapons look & aim proper (details **). HUD, menu & text proper. Rendered cutscenes full hor+; FMV (rare) pillarboxed to center & letterboxed (usually ***).

(PLP screenshot with bezel effect, sneak view)

(sneak kill view)

(1h gun aim, reticle on zombie center)

(rendered video, boss approaching mid-fight)

1. In-game options Fullscreen Disabled, Letterbox Disabled (in Graphics, Hardware Settings). Quit.
2. Flawless Widescreen (FWS):
A. Go to menu Settings, Configuration, Display Detection. Checkmark Enable Detection Override; enter Width & Height (fullscreen PLP), HUD W&H (center's size), HUDX (side width), HUDY zero. Save Changes.
B. Load game plugin, checkmark all except Letterbox Fix & leave FOV sliders zero (optional, not needed) *.
3. Start game. Best to wait for main menu, ShiftWindow (+ border = borderless).

== DLC1&2 screenshots: The Assignment & The Consequence ==

(DLC1, flashlight aim)

(DLC2, walk view)

(DLC2, sneak view. Death is a cross-dresser)

(DLC2, crawl-space peek view)

(DLC2, common gun aim view, showing end-game shotgun)

1. ** The occasional effect-overlay is letterboxed & hor+ (sniper scope, binoculars, some cutscene effects; rocket launcher same but single-screen overlay).
2. Loading screens & two icons (loading/saving) are stretched. Current game versions have two notable issues (& mediocre workarounds ****).
3. FWS is bit version-specific:
A. Reported to fail hooking original unpatched game version (LetterBoxFix2 injection point error).
B. *** The Executioner DLC has two FMV cutscenes that stretch.
4. * FWS Letterbox Fix & FOV sliders likely not needed: disabling Letterbox in game menu removes letterbox & corrects FOV to ~proper (all 3P enviros become very slightly FOV+, while 1P Executioner DLC's FOV is proper).
5. **** On any screen setup, game suffers these:
A. Unstable on card overclock (higher is worse). If crash, use stock clock. If crash causes OS UI anomalies (e.g. missing text), fix: reinstall card driver.
B. Pop-in textures; worse at higher resolutions, particularly in buildings & rendered cutscenes. Fixes:
i. Gameplay. In general, turn camera more slowly in buildings, & twitch to fill missing textures (turning bit away & back). Failsafe: quick Esc x2 fills all viewable textures (or controller; works in cutscenes too).
ii. Console commands. Pop-in improved considerably but at high FPS cost, NOT recommended unless beast system with much memory. First use console (shortcut/launcher +com_allowconsole 1, then Insert key in-game) & jot down your default values for below commands (to revert later). Quit. Then remove any previous shortcut/launcher arguments & use these arguments instead (limited space): +vt_maxPPF 128 +vt_usePageFileCache 0 +vt_useDirectTextureAccess 1 +vt_uncompressedVmtr 1 +vt_uncompressedphysicalimages 1 +image_useCompression 0. Unfortunately vt_maxPPF will not go higher.

== DLC3 screenshots: The Executioner (first-person) ==

(harpoon turret aim view)

(chainsaw mid-swing)

(hammer execution cam)

(boss death throes)

View guide for general help with the instructions.

Last edited by Wookiegr on 03 Oct 2015, 02:29, edited 1 time in total.


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