HaYDeN, could you by any chance provide a Plugin for BF Hardline? The games SP Mode is actually quite nice (contrary to the MP experience) and I´d like to play it widescreen - the defaul fov of 60 is a damn joke and it is not adjustable for SP.
I found the necessary memory value because someone provided a fix via cheatengine - it works, but every change on the fov (like using iron sight or using sprint) resets the fov and you have to reactivate it....
<Description>"pointerscan result"</Description>
<LastState Value="60" RealAddress="086D0090"/>
<Description>"pointerscan result"</Description>
<LastState Value="60" RealAddress="086D0090"/>
<Description>"pointerscan result"</Description>
<LastState Value="60" RealAddress="086D0090"/>
<Description>"pointerscan result"</Description>
<LastState Value="60" RealAddress="086D0090"/>
PS: I would be more than thankful an willing to donate for it to happen - I bought the game for SP only and it annoys me that I can´t play it withouth having to vomit after 20 minutes.