Widescreen Gaming Forum

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PostPosted: 15 Nov 2017, 23:29 
Hi all, apologies if this gets asked all the time but I couldn't find anything specific enough to answer my query by searching.

I have 2 Hans G monitors 22 inch and one LG 34" Ultrawide.

I setup surround for the first time yesterday (Nvidia 970) and the middle monitor's resolution is all 'stretched'. I can find no way to solve this issue.

I imagine some clever spark out there has written a third party piece of software to solve this issue, or perhaps Nvidia have caught up? lmao.

Would you please help a complete noob to surround gaming sort this out.

thanks in advance,



PostPosted: 17 Nov 2017, 13:08 
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Joined: 06 Mar 2008, 17:20
Posts: 3424
Dear complete noob ! I have bad news...
Nvidia Surround means multiple monitors running at the SAME resolution, so you can't mix aspect ratios effectively. AMD Eyefinity is one step ahead in this regard as it can theoretically manage different resolutions/ratios/orientations.

You could look for a 1:1 scaling setting in your monitor's OSD to unstretch the picture, but 1) it's not guaranteed to be there and 2) even if it is you would then get huge black bars that kinda defeat the purpose of Surround.

If there is a 3rd-party fix for this very stupid driver-level limitation, I've never heard of it. There's always SoftTH but it opens up a wholly different kind of multi-mon shenanigans...

PostPosted: 22 Nov 2017, 16:26 

Joined: 24 Mar 2017, 17:59
Posts: 4
i have the same question but i get diferent stories all the time. i cant use mismatch monitors? a ultrawide in center and a 16:9 on the sides?are u sure?

PostPosted: 23 Nov 2017, 19:43 
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Joined: 06 Mar 2008, 17:20
Posts: 3424
Pretty sure, yes. Nvidia Surround requires all monitors to run at the same resolution. To mix various aspect ratios you need a different setup: AMD Eyefinity, extended desktop + borderless mode, or SoftTH.

PostPosted: 24 Nov 2017, 16:35 
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Joined: 17 Nov 2017, 11:19
Posts: 15
Wait, so the problem cannot be solved??

PostPosted: 28 Nov 2017, 19:03 

Joined: 10 May 2009, 19:46
Posts: 280
Nvidia can only use same res monitors. Eyefinity (AMD) can use different res.

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