How the devil are you all?
I have finally have gotten myself around to posting some pictures of my command centre which is now completed (externally, aesthetically). Actually, I have also posted a picture of what it used to look like before I bought myself a BenQ WIDESCREEN monitor. Then from there every thing else followed. Everything about my PC had to either match and go with the Benny, or it had to GO!!!
I like my office to be well coordinated and clean and simple, no clutter no flashy gizmoz no fangdangle doodads, just the essentails.
A very wise and handsome man once said, "What's on your desk is a reflection of what's on your mind." JohnnyWakko.
My ladies command centre in on the right, its a G5 Mac, which I don't know much about, but it sure does look good. To be honest, the whole reason for looking into a widesceen, was because she had one on her G5. Now, I couldn't live with someone who has a better looking computer now could I? It was a matter of manhood.
My old commmand centre:
My New Command Centre & Office:
Command centre at night:
My Machine, I decided to name it "Baalix":
Its entrails: