Widescreen Gaming Forum

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PostPosted: 25 Apr 2006, 17:14 

Joined: 21 Apr 2006, 17:17
Posts: 643
Wow is right. This thing is awesome.

Paddy, have you heard anything from Matrox about the optimum angling of the two side monitors? I have a feeling this depends on the game and how the image is displayed at the edges of the screen (e.g. Half Life 2 puts some serious perspective into the edges of the image, so the side screens should probably be rather angled, while Far Cry seems to give a much "flatter" image and probably lends itself to less angle). Perhaps I should actually read the TripleHead2Go manual...


PostPosted: 25 Apr 2006, 18:31 
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Joined: 27 Jul 2004, 17:42
Posts: 3436
Well I haven't heard anything from Matrox and I haven't read the manual ... :roll: :lol:

I adjust the angle so they are straight on when I turn my head to look at them ... just as the centre screen is (when I don't turn my head ... :lol:)
The angle will of course be different depending on how far you are away from them ...

Far Cry looks flatter because it doesn't have the full FOV for TripleHead ... if you look the area that should be on the centre screen (as in the 1280 shot) you can see it is well wide of fitting onto the centre screen in the TripleHead shot. Unfortunately you can not widen the FOV in Far Cry any more than this ... :(
Despite this narow FOV it is very playable IMHO ... :D

PostPosted: 26 Apr 2006, 21:36 

Joined: 26 Apr 2006, 16:29
Posts: 71
Hi JKeefe,

It does depend on how the game is displaying the side screens. You are pretty familiar with Pacific Fighters right? When you are in Surround mode and using cockpit view your wings look like that are sort of coming out of the nose of the planeif your monitors are not setup correctly :) Once you turn your monitors ( about 45degrees if I am not mistaken ) the effect is pretty nice. (sorry I don't have any pics :( )

F.E.A.R does almost the same thing as HL2 does when in TH mode but still looks and plays damn good :-)

PostPosted: 01 May 2006, 20:54 

Joined: 21 Apr 2006, 17:17
Posts: 643
Hi JKeefe,

It does depend on how the game is displaying the side screens. You are pretty familiar with Pacific Fighters right? When you are in Surround mode and using cockpit view your wings look like that are sort of coming out of the nose of the planeif your monitors are not setup correctly :) Once you turn your monitors ( about 45degrees if I am not mistaken ) the effect is pretty nice. (sorry I don't have any pics :( )

F.E.A.R does almost the same thing as HL2 does when in TH mode but still looks and plays damn good :-)
I have not played nor do I own Pacific Fighters, but I've seen the Matrox PR screenshots and noticed the wings sticking out.

I have my monitors at a 45-degree angle and have yet to run across a situation where this doesn't seem to work well.

PostPosted: 01 May 2006, 21:40 

Joined: 26 Apr 2006, 16:29
Posts: 71
Hi JKeefe,

Oh sorry about that I assumed you had tried or owned PF :oops:

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