Question about running your centre LCD on VGA. Some LCD's look absolutely terrible when running on VGA (text blurring ext) in 2D mode.
What kind of 2D quality do you get when running your Dell (at native) on the TH2G, even though it's on VGA.
I've heard that the TH2G is terrible for desktop performance. Have you had any issues with this?
I have a minor decrease in text sharpness and if your eyes can see 60hz flicker it might be a minor issue in 2D. By trade, I'm a production artist that lives in Photoshop and Illustrator. It's really not enough to turn me off of the product. The TH2G really is the only realistic 3-monitor solution atm for 3D. If you're 100% 2D desktop work though there is no need for it. Just plug in 3-4 monitors into 2 cards and get UltraMon. As for text looking bad in 2D, it mostly looks like antialiasing of the fonts is off in some cases depending on your settings. LCDs tend to only look good at their native resolutions, so if you have 1280x1024 x3 or 1024x768 x3 monitors use that resolution or you will not have a sharp desktop at all. This is NOT the fault of the TH2G, but merely a limitation on ALL LCDs. LCDs, as designed, do not scale well out of native resolution. There still are minor sharpness issues at native resolution, but it's the tradeoff you have with this solution. And ATM, it's the only consumer solution I'd use for surround gaming.
I've tried 3 types of Samsung 17" LCD monitors with mine so far (Rated good to bad: 740N, 172X, 712N). The 740N auto adjusts the best for me out of all 3. The 172X has issues with sharpness on 2D text, auto adjust and achieving full width on the screen. The 712N is too slow with 25ms refresh and not as bright or as high contrast as the newer Samsung 17". If you are going 3x Samsung 17" my preference would be the Samsung 740N over the other 2 for several reasons. I know Samsung has other newer faster ms timed 17" screens, but my goal is lowest price point 1280x1024 8ms or faster, VGA only (no DVI), and small benzel (740N benzel is comperable to the highly touted 172X benzel size). Hopefully someone will find this information useful if they want to go 17" Samsung monitor route. ATM, the 740N is around $200 at newegg.