And in online FPS i would almost call this Hardware Cheating (you can say what you want, to have 3 times the viewfield of your enemy, you just have an unfair advantage.)...
If this was any other forum you would get called a moron.
That statement is so very cliched and overused, and lacks alot of brain power. SOund like a very left socialist view. If everyone can't have one, no one can have one. I think it stems from jealousy. Yes it is an advantage, but not an unfair one by any standards, you don't spend that sort of money to gain the so slight extra perephery view advantage, you buy it for the immersion. If it was a unfair advantage, why don't all the HACKERS have one? Oh, Oh I know! Because it costs m o n e y.
You can't limit the hardware choise of people just because others haven't found a way of acquiring it. You can't limit screen resolution to 800x600 just because Billy can't get a bigger screen. You can't limit people usings 8000DPI mice because dopey Darren over there only has a 400DPI mouse. The same way you can't limit CPU's, GPU's, Keyboards, 5.1 Surround sound...the list goes on. The name of the game here in PC world is immersion. The more immersive the greater the experience of the game.
Now a software hack is a whole different ball game. Anyone can use those, that's just a matter of dropping your standards to remove the need for certain skills that every other player has to rely on. They do not increase the immersive gaming experience and goes a way to changing the way the game operates, ie changing the RULES of the game.
Bigger screens, better mice, more powerful hardware does not change the rules, does not change the fundamentals of the game. It merely increases or enhances the experience, which is what PC gaming is all about. Having better hardware give you a minor advantage do to better performance but does not eliminate the need for aiming skills, movement skills, map skills etc, where a software hack goes acheives elimination of the need for these skills.
Here is a metephor: If a Formula one driver developes a TRANSPARENT helmet and can thus see more, and he is the only one with one in the field, should the helmet be banned because the rest of the field are behind the times? Is the helmet going to steer the car, accelerate, brake? No it isn't. Just means the driver has a better view due to the fact that he or is team went out of thier way to develop better hardware. Progress I think they call it.
Like the previous poster said, if you want limits on progress, the happy land of consoles will welcome you with open arms, or some Communist country.