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 Post subject: Deus Ex in TH2Go
PostPosted: 19 Sep 2006, 20:42 

Joined: 11 Dec 2005, 03:36
Posts: 36
Thanks. I'm interested to use this trick to see what WSGF solutions will work for TH2Go solutions. Then I can get those of you with real systems to test them.

Does this need a special TH2Go driver to work or is it jsut a case of changing the game.ini to the chosen resoltutions. As you already know I really want to play Deus Ex on my Dell 3007. It didn't work with 2560x1600 but is suppossed to be a TH2GO compatible game. So will it work with 2560x1280 if 2560x1600 doesn't work?


 Post subject: Deus Ex in TH2Go
PostPosted: 19 Sep 2006, 20:45 
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Joined: 14 Oct 2003, 13:52
Posts: 5706
If you have the res available as a Windows desktop res, then yes, it should.

 Post subject: Deus Ex in TH2Go
PostPosted: 19 Sep 2006, 20:49 
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Joined: 27 Jul 2004, 17:42
Posts: 3436
The original Deus Ex has a res limit of 1920x480 on the TH2G as it is a Dx 7 game ... :(
There is a limitation of DX7 and below on framebuffer resolution to 2048 which is why you can't get any higher ... :(

 Post subject: Deus Ex in TH2Go
PostPosted: 19 Sep 2006, 20:53 
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Joined: 13 Oct 2003, 05:00
Posts: 7358
[quote]Thanks. I'm interested to use this trick to see what WSGF solutions will work for TH2Go solutions. Then I can get those of you with real systems to test them.

Does this need a special TH2Go driver to work or is it jsut a case of changing the game.ini to the chosen resoltutions. As you already know I really want to play Deus Ex on my Dell 3007. It didn't work with 2560x1600 but is suppossed to be a TH2GO compatible game. So will it work with 2560x1280 if 2560x1600 doesn't work?

It was just an issue of adding the custom resolutions and then selecting them in-game. These three games have native support. I would need to figure out the FOV for 2:1 and 3:1 for a custom setting.

 Post subject: Deus Ex in TH2Go
PostPosted: 19 Sep 2006, 21:00 

Joined: 11 Dec 2005, 03:36
Posts: 36
The original Deus Ex has a res limit of 1920x480 on the TH2G as it is a Dx 7 game ... :(
There is a limitation of DX7 and below on framebuffer resolution to 2048 which is why you can't get any higher ... :(

Damn . Thanks for saving me headache though.

Also cheers Ibrin. I will still give it a go but at a lower resolution or something. I wonder if 2048 x 1600 will work? At least soem of the border will goaway. Although I really wanted a widescreen resoltion . It's so strange to play in 4:3 after playing with widescreen even if it is a huge resolution like 2048x1536.

I just realised that my post has become a thread. Thanks to whomever did that. I appreciate it .

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