No, they aren't a coincidence, but nor do they seem to be relevant in this game. In other words, it looks as though the DX2 FOV variables still exist in TDS, but simply aren't used. In TDS, the FOV seems to be controlled by a single variable, BaseFOV. This is normally 90. However, editing the obvious B4 42 value in Engine.t3u doesn't have any effect on it...
Does that mean hor+ TDS is a lost cause? Far from it! It just complicates things a bit. If you thought the DX2 solution was bad, you ain't seen nothing yet. :)
The obvious-but-nasty hor+ solution for TDS is as follows:
(edit) Apply the existing vert- solution to get the game widescreen. Ignore the third-person camera hack bit, it won't be necessary![/*:m]
[*]Install T3Ed, the TDS editor.[/*:m]
[*]Modify the game scripts, so that at appropriate points it executes an action like "Set [BaseFOV] to [100.00] on linked objects of [PLAYER]".[/*:m]
[*]Change the value of LoadFromResourceBlockFiles in user.ini to false, so that the modified scripts are used.[/*:m][/list:u]This is obviously pretty laborious -- but in my initial tests, it
seems to work!
The 4:3 first-person Thief we know and love:
The vert- widescreen first-person Thief we get with the existing solution:
The hor+ widescreen first-person Thief we've been longing to play!
Sorry that the pics are rather dark, I chose the very start of the game for my test because it's easier to match up the camera position that way. Interesting how the HUD seems to be stretched... I wonder if that can be fixed easily?
Anyway, I'm confident I've proven that a solution exists. Filling in the details (or, better still, finding a more elegant approach!) is left as an exercise for the reader. :)
Complications I've thought of already:[list][*]
Not all levels have a suitable script at the start, so if the value needs resetting at the start of every level (not sure yet), it may be necessary to modify the levels themselves to add scripts.(edit) Good news -- the BaseFOV value is carried from level to level and stored in saved games. So it's sufficient to hack one script at the very start of the game, and it should carry through! It may be possible to hack saved games to change the FOV in an existing game. So the only other issue is that:[/*:m][*]Some scripts in the game already modify BaseFOV (e.g. entering/leaving the stitch in the Cradle), so those will also need finding and fixing.[/*:m][/list:u]