I don`t understand why MATROX cannot fix this...
I think it's more of a problem with Apple iTunes and Adobe Photoshop using nonstandard window hacks to make their GUI. This needs to be addressed to Adobe and Apple imho not Matrox.
I agree to some point.. I just think that it should be MATROX, and not
the costumer, to make agreement between them and other vendors
about how to fix the problem. :shock:
MATROX gave me this answer in desember 2008:
"Unfortunately, we can’t guarantee that Adobe will rewrite their software in order for it to be compliant with our hardware and we can’t control how other companies manage their software’s."
Isn`t this controlled by the provided software "PowerDesk-SE"?
If so, shouldn`t it be possible to rewrite the soft to also include the
apps that makes trouble with the TH2Go?
another statement from MATROX:
"Unfortunately, we are not able to control how every application works. We try our best to have all mainstream applications hook to our software but unfortunately some applications are coded differently and we can’t make any modifications to the software’s as this would be a copyright infringement."
The question is: Are they even trying? :?: