Correct me if I'm wrong, My understanding is that we are still waiting on the firmware update. Powerdesk is not the firmware unless I missed something. Also I haven't checked, is Cat 9.7 officially out? I just don't want to jump the gun and say it doesn't work until I know that all updates are out. I may be wrong but I think we have to flash the firmware AND update Powerdesk AND get Cat 9.7. Hopefully Mark B. will see this and clearify.
OK, I just checked and the official Cat 9.7 is NOT out. So don't count your monitors out yet. I also can't find a new firmware for the th2go so all is not lost. To those that have it working, congrats, to those that don't, give it a little more time. Especially those that have a garbled screen. Patience.
Dunno what version/firmware you are running.. They have said there will be 3 items, 1 - software, 2 - firmware and 3 - driver updates to enable it fully. Currently the software is released. The driver update isnt out yet, still another week and a half to be released in (beta is out there). And as of the start of July (not sure if this is the correct update or not) there is a new firmware, which once installed allowed full access to 5040x1050@59hz on my ATi card - without the need of a custom resolution.
So far all the issues I have encountered all relate to Vsync issues and or possibly quirks in the programming.. Pretty sure 9.7 (well hoping) will fix the remaining few quirks. Hell if there is indeed another firmware coming this month too, ill take it. Did wonders for my TH2go setup.
Edit + Update: Managed to get Mirrors Edge to work. So far every game I have issues with is due to Vsync. Turning it off and if possible manually setting up 5040x1050 seems to get the game running. Wont have much time to retest Deadspace (Got working) and Crysis tonight (Crysis Warhead is perfect though).